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Asia/Near East DG Programs


Democracy and Governance in Asia and the Near East

Asia and the Near East map with title 'Building Democracy in Asia and the Near East'

Foreign assistance is an essential component of U.S. foreign policy in the Asia and Near East (ANE) region. This region, spanning East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, includes 60% of the countries with USAID programs designated as strategic in USAID's development policy paper. Although each of the sub-regions has distinctive characteristics, instability, and conflict exist across the region. Many countries harbor extremist groups that prey on disenfranchised populations left vulnerable by their government's inability or lack of commitment to meet their daily needs. As these extremist groups grow, they threaten to destabilize their own countries and support terrorism directed at the United States. USAID plays an indispensable role in stabilizing and rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq; mitigating conflict and improving conditions for peace in the Middle East and elsewhere; and increasing access to health care, education, and employment opportunities for youth who might otherwise be tempted to join terrorist organizations. Although widespread corruption, pervasive poverty, high maternal and child mortality, and severe environmental degradation are typical of the region, a number of good-performing transformational development countries have demonstrated the will to address these challenges. Three countries in ANE are eligible for Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) funding, and three have been selected as MCA threshold countries. Additionally, development progress will certainly be tempered by the impact of the catastrophic Asian tsunami in the countries most affected.

Corruption is rampant in many ANE countries, undermining both development and democracy. Corruption fuels political extremism and illegal activities such as trafficking in persons and illegal drugs, production and sales of counterfeit medicines, and unauthorized logging. The lack of transparency in economic and legal institutions and restrictions on human freedoms inhibit private investment and contribute to a sense of hopelessness for those who are victimized by corruption.

Supporting democratic, economic, and social transformation in Iraq and Afghanistan will continue to be top program priorities. Encouraging democratic and economic reforms in Middle Eastern countries is also high priority, particularly given the opportunity afforded by new Palestinian leadership. A new strategic planning framework for the ANE region is under development and will identify Agency goals for the region such as graduating at least one country from development assistance and strengthening basic education, workforce training, and democracy and governance initiatives.

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Tue, 30 Aug 2005 15:53:56 -0500