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Mission Director
Jon D. Lindborg

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P.O. Box EA423
1000, Ermita, Manila

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Quick Facts

USAID's programs in the Philippines focus on strengthening peace in conflict-affected Mindanao, promoting good governance, increasing economic opportunities, protecting the environment, strengthening health services, and improving basic education. We invite you to explore our web site to learn more about USAID/Philippines innovative programs and activities.


Program Highlights



USG Announces Support to the Coral Triangle Initiative

U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie Kenney stated at the October 23 second Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Senior Official’s Meeting held Manila that the U.S. Government would provide $40 million in support of the international effort by six nations and their partners to save the Coral Triangle, the world’s greatest expanse of mangrove, coral reef and fish biodiversity.  The Coral Triangle is under threat from pollution, unsustainable fishing practices, and climate change.  The new USG assistance includes State and USAID-funded grants to a consortium of NGOs led by World Wildlife Fund (and including Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy).  An interagency working group will coordinate USG assistance to this important regional initiative.




15,000 employees of top business conglomerate access improved health services

On October 15, 2008, Mr. Oscar Lopez, chairman of the Lopez group, one of the Philippines’ largest business conglomerates, announced their plans to establish family health programs for an additional 6,000 employees from eight affiliate companies within the year.  This expansion builds on the initiatives in five affiliated companies that currently serve 9,000 employees. Through technical assistance from USAID, the health providers of the companies’ family health centers received training on management and delivery of family health services for the conglomerate’s workforce.  Deputy Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis from the Asia Bureau, USAID/Washington and Mission staff discussed expanding the reach and benefits of the partnership with the Lopez group’s corporate social responsibility program in health and wellness.

Lopez Group of Companies Chairman and CEO Oscar M. Lopez (left) welcomes USAID Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis (right) and USAID/Philippines Office of Health Chief Dr. Aye Aye Thwin to the Meralco Corporate Wellness Center.

Lopez Group of Companies Chairman and CEO Oscar M. Lopez (left) welcomes USAID Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis (right) and USAID/Philippines Office of Health Chief Dr. Aye Aye Thwin to the Meralco Corporate Wellness Center



GDA Partnership Produces Results and New Classrooms in Mindanao

US Deputy Chief of Mission to the Philippines, Paul Jones, led the inauguration of a new two-classroom building in Panglima Arasia Elementary School in Tawi Tawi, Mindanao, on October 21, 2008. The project is jointly funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Petron Foundation and implemented through the Education Quality and Access for Learning and Livelihood Skills (EQuALLS2) Project. USAID and Petron will construct 120 and rehabilitate 480 classrooms in the next three years to help alleviate classroom shortages and improve access to basic education in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao. As of October 2008, 12 new classrooms have been constructed and 42 have been refurbished by the project. New and refurbished classrooms will be provided with water, electricity, desks, teachers’ tables and chairs, blackboards, cabinets, fans, clocks, and toilets.

Children of Tawi-Tawi, Mindanao and US Deputy Chief of Mission to the Philippines Paul Jones, celebrate the inauguration and opening of a new two-room classroom, built by USAID and Petron Fdn

Children of Tawi-Tawi, Mindanao and Paul Jones, US Deputy Chief of Mission to the Philippines, celebrate the inauguration and opening of a new two-room classroom, built by USAID and Petron Foundation.


ECONOMIC GROWTH: Infrastructure;


Improving Infrastructure, Enhancing Education in the Southern Philippines

USAID continues its commitment to promote peace and prosperity in conflict-affected areas of Mindanao with critical investments in transportation infrastructure, water supply, and basic education.  On October 14, 2008, USAID Deputy Administrator Margot Ellis, together with U.S. Ambassador Kristie A. Kenney, Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan, Vice Governor Lady Ann Sahidula, USAID Mission Director Jon Lindborg, Jolo Mayor Hussin Amin and Patikul Mayor Kabir Hayudini, participated in the ground breaking ceremonies of two major infrastructure projects in Jolo City, Sulu Province. 

The Jolo Airport Runway Improvement Project is a partnership among the Department of Transportation and Communications, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, the provincial government, and GEM.  The project will replace and widen the existing asphalt runway to help ensure safer airport operations and accommodate higher-capacity air linkages.  The Jolo Water Project, a partnership among the provincial government, the Local Water Utilities Administration, the Jolo Mainland Water District, and GEM, will allow the water district to provide potable water to approximately 70,000 residents of Jolo and adjacent barangays in Indanan and Patikul municipalities.  These initiatives are two of the 20 similar types of infrastructure projects to be supported by the GEM Program in partnership with government agencies and provincial governments.

On the same day, Ambassador Kenney demonstrated the U.S. Government’s commitment to education by reading a story to children at the Mohammad Tulawie Central School in Jolo to promote reading and encourage creativity, imagination and learning.  Ambassador Kenney also turned over more than 80 children’s books on reading, math and science to the school.  As part of USAID’s Education Quality and Access for Learning and Livelihood Skills (EQuALLS2) Project, USAID aims to make village reading a staple in the yearly activities of schools in Mindanao, highlighting the community’s role in the learning development of children.  Governor Tan and Mayor Amin led local government officials and residents in expressing appreciation for USAID’s assistance to Sulu, particularly in improving basic education.

ground breaking of jolo water system upgrading projectground breaking of jolo airport runway project

(l-r) USAID Mission Director Jon Lindborg, Sulu Vice Governor Lady Ann Sahidula, U.S. Ambassador Kristie Kenney, Sulu Governor Abdusakur Tan, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis and Jolo City Mayor Hussin Amin at the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Jolo Airport Runway Improvement Project.

ground breaking jolo airport runway

Gov. Tan, Ambassador Kenney, Vice Gov. Sahidula and Deputy Assistant Administrator Ellis at the Jolo Airport Runway

USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator with women residents of Jolo and Patikul, Mindanao

Deputy Assistant Administrator Margot Ellis with women residents of Jolo and Patikul.

school children in Sulu

School children of Muhammad Tulawie Elementary School in Sulu are fully engaged by US Ambassador Kristie A. Kenney as they listen to her read a story entitled, ‘The Magic Mat’.


INVESTING IN PEOPLE: Water Supply and Sanitation

Philippine Water Revolving Fund Unveiled

Led by the Philippines Finance Secretary, the Governments of the Philippines, Japan and the United States jointly hosted the long-awaited launch of the Philippine Water Revolving Fund (PWRF) on October 20, 2008 at the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP).  Witnessing the launch were potential borrowers from various water utilities, interested lenders from different private financing institutions and representatives of donor agencies supporting the water sector.  The PWRF is an innovative lending program to help the Philippine government stimulate private financing for water infrastructure to help the country achieve its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in water and sanitation.  Previously, water infrastructure in the Philippines (outside of Metro Manila) had been funded almost exclusively by public and donor resources.  The PWRF seeks to leverage private funds through a co-financing scheme between DBP (with funds provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA) and private banks, whose loans will be partially guaranteed through USAID’s Development Credit Authority.  During the coming three years, the PWRF hopes to benefit up to 1.4 million Filipinos through loans to water utilities throughout the country.

The PWRF is established under the U.S.-Japan Clean Water for People Initiative, a bilateral initiative aimed at helping countries such as the Philippines achieve their water and sanitation MDG targets

Toast to celebrate the launching led by USAID Director Jon Lindborg, Finance Secretary Margarito Teves and JICA rep N. Matsuda

(from left) USAID Director Jon Lindborg, DBP President Reynaldo David, US Ambassador Kristie Kenney, Philippines Finance Secretary Margarito Teves, and JICA Chief Representative Norio Matsuda, toast to celebrate the launch of the PWRF.


INVESTING IN PEOPLE: Environment/Health

USAID/Philipines Joins Global Handwashing Day Celebration

On October 15, 2008 USAID joined its partners in a nationwide launch of the first ever Global Handwashing Day (GHD), in an effort to mobilize Filipinos - with a focus on schoolchildren - to make proper handwashing with soap a habit.  Preventable diarrheal diseases cause nearly 10,000 deaths each year among Filipino children, yet handwashing with soap and clean water can reduce the incidence of diarrhea by 44%, making it an extremely cost-effective preventive health intervention.  Spearheaded by UNICEF and its partners (among them the Department of Education, Proctor and Gamble, USAID and the Philippine Ecological Network Group, Makati City, and Manila Water) the major GHD launch event took place at West Rembo Elementary School, Makati City where Senator Richard Gordon and Education Secratary Jeslie Lapuz delivered messages to promote a sustainable handwashing program nationwide.  At West Rembo, some 300 schoolchildren learned proper handwashing, in part through a catchy rap video that will certainly have everyone remembering to wash their hands.  USAID officials participated in two other major launching events in the cities of Malaybalay and Bukidnon in Mindanao.  USAID supports several projects that include promotion of handwashing, including the Philippine Sanitation Alliance (PSA), which also joining in the simultaneous celebration of GHD throughout Luzon (in Batanes, Bulacan, San Fernando, La Union, Marikina City, Santa Rosa City, Quezon City) as well as the Visayas (Iloilo City).

group of students demonstrate the proper handwashing




Page content last updated 11/04/2008/lla