README.TXT PHREEQC A program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations NOTE: This file describes the batch version of PHREEQC. However, a graphical user interface, PhreeqcI, is available that runs under Windows operating systems. This interactive program can be downloaded from PhreeqcI has internal documentation for all PHREEQC data input and is a complete interface to PHREEQC. A brief description of the program has been published as a Fact Sheet: Charlton, S.R., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, PhreeqcI--A graphical user interface to the geochemical model PHREEQC: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-031-02, 2 p. PHREEQC - Version 2.15.0 February 5, 2008 Instructions for installation, execution, and testing are provided below. After installation, see the phreeqc.txt file in the doc directory of the PHREEQC installation for summary information on PHREEQC. For assistance, enhancement requests, or to report bugs, contact TABLE OF CONTENTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILES B. DOCUMENTATION C. EXTRACTING FILES D COMPILING E. INSTALLING F. RUNNING THE PROGRAM G. TESTING H. CONTACTS A. DISTRIBUTION FILES The following distribution packages (containing the software, test data sets, and information files) are currently available for UNIX systems: phreeqc-2.15.0-2697.Linux.tar.gz - Compiled with gcc 4.1.2 20070302 (prerelease) (4.1.2-1mdv2007.1) kernel 2.6.17-16mdv phreeqc-2.15.0-2697.source.tar.gz - Source code but no executable B. DOCUMENTATION Parkhurst, D.L., and Appelo, C.A.J., 1999, User's guide to PHREEQC (Version 2)--A computer program for speciation, batch-reaction, one-dimensional transport, and inverse geochemical calculations: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4259, 312 p. This user's guide is available in electronic format. Portable Document Format (PDF) files are included in the doc subdirectory of the PHREEQC program distribution. An online HTML version of the User's Guide can also be found at Thorstenson, D.C., and Parkhurst, D.L., 2002, Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium constants for implementation in geochemical models: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4172, 129 p. This report documents the theory and implementation of isotopes in PHREEQC. Portable Document Format (PDF) is included in the doc subdirectory of the PHREEQC program distribution. C. EXTRACTING FILES Compressed tar files are used to distribute the source code and versions of the software compiled for selected UNIX operating systems. All of the PHREEQC files needed to install and test the program are contained in the file phreeqc- (where OS is a string indicating the intended operating system.) If there is not a tar file for your operating system or you want to compile the software, the source version of the tar file contains all of the PHREEQC files needed to compile and install the program on a UNIX-based computer. For all of these distributions, the directory phreeqc-2.15.0 is created (or overwritten) when the files are extracted from the tar file; if this directory already exists, you may want to delete or rename it before extracting the files. Follow the steps below to extract the files from a distribution tar file. Steps in extracting files explanation ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- gunzip phreeqc-2.15.0-2697.OS.tar.gz Uncompress the distribution file. tar -xvpof phreeqc-2.15.0-2697.OS.tar Extract files from the tar file. The following directory structure is created (the contents of each directory are shown to the right): phreeqc-2.15.0 files NOTICE.TXT, RELEASE.TXT, and this README.TXT `-----bin compiled executable, template for execution script `-----database database files required during execution `-----doc documentation files `-----examples examples from user's guide--used in verification tests `-----src Makefile and source code `-----test scripts to run verification tests Notes: (a) A compiled executable is not included in the source distribution. (b) It is recommended that no user files be kept in the PHREEQC directory structure. If you plan to put files in the PHREEQC directory structure, do so only by creating subdirectories. D. COMPILING If you have retrieved a pre-compiled distribution of the software, skip to the Installing section below. If a compiled version of the software is not available for your computer or you want to build the executable yourself, follow the instructions in this section. The source distribution is provided for those users who want the source code. Little or no support is provided for users generating their own versions of the software. In general, to compile a new version of the software, you will need: (a) a C compiler, and (b) a minimal level of knowledge of Make, the compiler, and the UNIX operating system. As provided in the source distribution, the software is set up to be compiled under Linux with gcc. To generate a new executable, do the following: 1. Change directory to the source directory: cd phreeqc-2.15.0/src 2. Modify the beginning of the file named Makefile to correctly specify system-dependent variables: CC C compiler name CCFLAGS C compiler flags LOADFLAGS linker flags INVERSE_CL1MP remove definition if gmp package is not available on your system 3. Run make in the src directory to compile the source: make make will: a. compile the source code, and b. place the program executable in the PHREEQC bin directory. E. INSTALLING To make PHREEQC easy to use, a link to the script that runs PHREEQC should be placed in a directory that is included in each user's search path. Run make in the PHREEQC src subdirectory to create the link: make install BINDIR=directory_for_links A script for running the executable is placed in the PHREEQC installation directory and a link to that script is placed in the directory defined by BINDIR. If each user's search path consists of /usr/bin:/usr/opt/bin:/usr/local/bin using the command make install BINDIR=/usr/local/bin will make PHREEQC accessible from any directory without requiring the full pathname of the executable. Note that to create and delete links to the PHREEQC script, the installer must have sufficient rights to the BINDIR directory. By default, BINDIR is $HOME/bin. F. RUNNING THE PROGRAM If PHREEQC has been installed in a directory included in the users' PATH (as described above), the program can be executed with any of the commands below. command to execute PHREEQC explanation ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------- phreeqc The program will query for each of the needed files. phreeqc input The input file is named input, the output file will be named input.out and the default database file will be used. phreeqc input output The input file is named input, the output file is named output, and the default database file will be used. phreeqc input output database All file names are specified explicitly. phreeqc input output database screen_output All file names are specified explicitly, and screen output is directed to the file screen_output. If the "make install" command described above has not been executed, the executable must be copied to the current directory. The executable is normally phreeqc-2.15.0/bin/phreeqc. In addition the default database file will be phreeqc.dat in the current directory. Phreeqc.dat is installed in phreeqc-2.15.0/database/phreeqc.dat. The shell variable PHREEQC_DATABASE can be used to specify the default database. In the C shell, this variable can be set with the command: setenv PHREEQC_DATABASE /home/jdoe/local/project/mydata.dat In the Bourne or Korn shell, this variable can be set with the command: export PHREEQC_DATABASE=/home/jdoe/local/project/mydata.dat The shell variable can be set permanently by including the appropriate command in a file that is read when the shell is initiated, frequently $HOME/.login or $HOME/.profile. If this shell variable is not set, the default database is set in the script in the installation directory to phreeqc-2.15.0/database/phreeqc.dat. It is possible to specify a different default database by editing the script. G. TESTING Test data sets are provided to verify that the program is correctly installed and running on the system. The tests execute the examples presented in the user's guide, which demonstrate most of the program's capabilities. The PHREEQC test directory contains the script to run the tests. The PHREEQC examples directory contains the input data and the expected results for each test. To test the installation, change to the phreeqc-2.15.0/test directory and type the command: ./ [start [stop]] where: start = the number of the first test to perform, default = 1 stop = the number of the last test to perform, default = 18 For example: command what happens ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- ./ runs all of the tests ./ 1 1 runs the first test ./ 2 3 runs tests 2 and 3 ./ 4 runs test 4 through the last test After the tests are completed, the results are compared to the expected results (found in the PHREEQC examples directory). See the file check.log; if all goes well, there should be no differences. To clean up after the tests, type the command: ./ Notes: The output data files for phreeqc- were created on a Linux system. You may notice slight numeric differences in the results. These are generally due to different round-off algorithms and the different architecture of the central processing unit chip. Slight differences in output formats may occur on other computers, particularly for the value 0.0. Problem 9 generates a warning message that indicates negative concentrations were generated in a kinetic run. The numerical method automatically reduces the step size until negative concentrations are eliminated and an accurate kinetic integration is obtained. Problems 11, 12, 13, and 15 generate warning messages. The messages simply indicate a shorthand method for defining cell lengths and cell dispersivities was used. The tests are described in the table below, where 'test' is the test number and the 'usage' column indicates how a file is used, with i for input and o for output. test description of test and files file name & usage ---- -------------------------------------------- ----------------- 1 Add uranium and speciate seawater PHREEQC input file ex1 i Printed results of calculation ex1.out o 2 Temperature dependence of solubility of gypsum and anhydrite PHREEQC input file ex2 i Printed results of calculation ex2.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex2.sel o 3 A. Calcite equilibrium at log Pco2 = -2.0 and 25C B. Definition of seawater C. Mix 70% ground water, 30% seawater D. Equilibrate mixture with calcite and dolomite E. Equilibrate mixture with calcite only PHREEQC input file ex3 i Printed results of calculation ex3.out o 4 A. Rain water evaporation B. Factor of 20 more solution PHREEQC input file ex4 i Printed results of calculation ex4.out o 5 Add oxygen, equilibrate with pyrite, calcite, and goethite. PHREEQC input file ex5 i Printed results of calculation ex5.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex5.sel o 6 6A. React to phase boundaries 6A1.--Find amount of k-feldspar dissolved to reach gibbsite saturation 6A2.--Find amount of k-feldspar dissolved to reach kaolinite saturation 6A3.--Find amount of k-feldspar dissolved to reach K-mica saturation 6A4.--Find amount of k-feldspar dissolved to reach k-feldspar saturation 6A5.--Find point with kaolinite present, but no gibbsite 6A6.--Find point with K-mica present, but no kaolinite 6B. Path between phase boundaries 6C. Kinetic calculation PHREEQC input file ex6 i Printed results of calculation ex6.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex6A-B.sel o Results written to the selected-output file ex6C.sel o 7 Organic decomposition with fixed-pressure and fixed-volume gas phases PHREEQC input file ex7 i Printed results of calculation ex7.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex7.sel o 8 Sorption of zinc on hydrous iron oxides PHREEQC input file ex8 i Printed results of calculation ex8.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex8.sel o 9 Kinetically controlled oxidation of ferrous iron. Decoupled valence states of iron. PHREEQC input file ex9 i Printed results of calculation ex9.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex9.sel o 10 Solid solution of strontianite and aragonite. PHREEQC input file ex10 i Printed results of calculation ex10.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex10.sel o 11 Transport and ion exchange. PHREEQC input file ex11 i Printed results of calculation ex11.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex11adv.sel o Results written to the selected-output file ex11trn.sel o 12 Advective and diffusive transport of heat and solutes. Constant boundary condition at one end, closed at other. The problem is designed so that temperature should equal Na-conc (in mmol/kgw) after diffusion. PHREEQC input file ex12 i Printed results of calculation ex12.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex12.sel o 13 A. 1 mmol/l NaCl/NO3 enters column with stagnant zones. Implicit definition of first-order exchange model. B. 1 mmol/l NaCl/NO3 enters column with stagnant zones. Explicit definition of first-order exchange factors. C. 1 mmol/l NaCl/NO3 enters column with stagnant zones. 5 layer stagnant zone with finite differences. PHREEQC input file ex13a i Printed results of calculation ex13a.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex13a.sel o PHREEQC input file ex13b i Printed results of calculation ex13b.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex13b.sel o PHREEQC input file ex13c i Printed results of calculation ex13c.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex13c.sel o 14 Transport with equilibrium_phases, exchange, and surface reactions PHREEQC input file ex14 i Printed results of calculation ex14.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex14.sel o 15 1D Transport: Kinetic Biodegradation, Cell Growth, and Sorption PHREEQC input file ex15 i database file ex15.dat i Printed results of calculation ex15.out o Results written to the selected-output file ex15.sel o 16 Inverse modeling of Sierra springs PHREEQC input file ex16 i Printed results of calculation ex16.out o 17 Inverse modeling of Black Sea water evaporation PHREEQC input file ex17 i Printed results of calculation ex17.out o 18 Inverse modeling of Madison aquifer PHREEQC input file ex18 i Printed results of calculation ex18.out o H. CONTACTS Inquiries about this software distribution should be directed to: e-mail: or