XMM-Newton Science Analysis System: Users' Guide

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6.1.3 Listing the OM Current Calibration Files

Table 11 provides a list of the OM calibration files. For a detailed description of these files and of their usage, the user is referred to the CCF interface document and to the Calibration Access and Data Handbook (see § 1.4). Some of these files are only used by the real time PHS and QLA systems, although they are contained in the SAS file ccf.cif. The SAS tasks using a given CCF are indicated as well.

Table 11: Calibration files of the Optical Monitor.
File name File Content Usage
ASTROMET coefficients for geometric distortion correction omatt omdetect omdrifthist omgprep
BADPIX bad pixels position, type of defect and the severity level omcosflag
BORESIGHT alignment of the instruments and star tracker omatt
COLORTRANS coefficients for color transformation into a standard system ommag omdetect
GRISMCAL wavelength and flux calibrations for the grisms omgrism
HKPARMINT house keeping parameter ranges ommag
LARGESCALESENS flat field map (set to unity) omflatgen
LINCOORD parameters for calculations of instrument configuration not used
PHOTTONAT correction coefficients of count rates for detector non-linearity and aging ommag omprep omdetect
PIXTOPIXSENS flat field map (set to unity) omflatgen
PSF1DRB point spread function for each filter ommag omdetect
DARKFRAME dark current map QLA
DIFFUSEGALA intensity map of diffuse galactic emissions PHS
QUICKMAG a rough count to magnitude conversion table for different spectral types QLA
ZODIACAL intensity map of the zodiacal light and average spectrum QLA

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European Space Agency - XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre