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2002 ERD Staff Publications

Arbuckle, T.E., S.E. Hrudey, S.W. Krasner, J.R. Nuckols, S.D. Richardson, P. Singer, P. Mendola, L. Dodds, C. Weisel, D.L. Ashley, et al. 2002. Assessing Exposure in Epidemiologic Studies to Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water: Report from an International Workshop. Environmental Health Perspectives. 110(Supplement 1):53-60.

Barber, M.C., R.M. Baca, S.L. Bird, J. Doherty, L.R. Exum, J.M. Johnston, R.R. Lassiter, B. Rashleigh, M.J. Cyterski, S. Colarullo, N.T. Loux, L.M. Prieto, and C.J. Wright.  2002.  Regional Assessment of Fish Health: A Prototype Methodology and Case Study for the Albemarle-Pamlico River Basin, North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Publication No. EPA/600/R-02/067 (PDF, 178 pp., 3.5 MB, about PDF).

Bird, S.L., S.G. Perry, S.L. Ray and M.E. Teske. 2002. Evaluation of the AgDISP Aerial Spray Algorithms in the AgDRIFT Model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21(3):672-681.

Bird, S., J. Harrison, L. Exum, S. Alberty and C. Perkins.  2002.  Screening to Identify and Prevent Urban Storm Water Problems:  Estimating Impervious Area Accurately and Inexpensively.  In:  Proceedings for National Water Quality Monitoring Conference, May 20-23, 2002, Madison, WI.

Bouchard, D.C. 2002. Cosolvent Effects on Sorption Isotherm Linearity. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 56(3/4):159-174.

Chen, P.H., S.D. Richardson, S.W. Krasner, G. Majetich and G.L. Glish. 2002. Hydrogen Abstraction and Decomposition of Bromopicrin and Other Trihalogenated Disinfection Byproducts by GC/MS. Environmental Science and Technology. 36(15):3362-3371.

Collette, T.W. and T.L. Williams. 2002. The Role of Raman Spectroscopy in the Analytical Chemistry of Potable Water. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 4(1):27-34.

Colon, D., E.J. Weber and G.L. Baughman. 2002. Sediment-Associated Reactions of Aromatic Amines. 2. QSAR Development. Environmental Science and Technology. 36(11):2443-2450.

Hu, C., F.E. Muller-Karger and R.G. Zepp. 2002. Absorbance, Absorption Coefficient, and Apparent Quantum Yield: A Comment on Common Ambiguity in the Use of These Optical Concepts. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(4):1261-1267.

Hussein, M., M. Jin and J.W. Weaver. 2002. Development and Verification of a Screening Model for Surface Spreading of Petroleum. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 57(3/4):281-302.

Johnston, J.M. and D.A. Crossley,Jr. 2002. Forest Ecosystem Recovery in the Southeast US: Soil Ecology as an Essential Component of Ecosystem Management. Forest Ecology and Management. 155(1-3):187-203.

Kisselle, K.W., R.G. Zepp, R.A. Burke,Jr., A.S. Pinto, M.C. Bustamante, S.P. Opsahl, R.F. Varella and L.T. Viana. 2002.  Seasonal Soil Fluxes of Carbon Monoxide in Burned and Unburned Brazilian Savannas.  Journal of Geophysical Research.  107(D20): 8051, doi:10.1029/2001JD000638.

Lewis, D.L. and D.K. Gattie. 2002. Pathogen Risks From Applying Sewage Sludge to Land. Environmental Science and Technology. 36(13):286A-293A.

Lewis, D.L., D.K. Gattie, M.E. Novak, S. Sanchez and C. Pumphrey. 2002. Interactions of Pathogens and Irritant Chemicals in Land-Applied Sewage Sludges (Biosolids). BMC Public Health. 211.

Loux, N.T. 2002. Effective Acidity-Constant Behavior Near Zero-Charge Conditions. In: Interfacial Applications in Environmental Engineering. M.A. Keane. (Ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, NY. p. 193-214.

Medina, V.F., S.L. Larson and S.C. McCutcheon. 2002. Evaluation of Continuous Flow-Through Phytoreactors for the Treatment of TNT-Contaminated Water. Environmental Progress. 21(1):29-36.

Miller, W.L., M.A. Moran, W.M. Sheldon, R.G. Zepp and S.P. Opsahl. 2002. Determination of Apparent Quantum Yield Spectra for the Formation of Biologically Labile Photoproducts. Limnology and Oceanography. 47(2):343-352.

Monarca, S., S.D. Richardson, D. Feretti, M. Grottolo, A.D. Thruston,Jr., C. Zani, G. Navazio, P. Ragazzo, I. Zerbini and A. Alberti. 2002. Mutagenicity and Disinfection By-Products in Surface Drinking Water Disinfected with Peracetic Acid. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21(2):309-318.

Pinto, A.S., M.C. Bustamante, K.W. Kisselle, R.A. Burke,Jr., R.G. Zepp, L.T. Viana, R.F. Varella and M. Molina. 2002.  Soil Emissions of N2O, NO, and CO2 in Brazilian Savannas: Effects of Vegetation Type, Seasonality, and Prescribed Fires.  Journal of Geophysical Research.  107(D20): 8089-doi:10.1029/2001JD000342.

Richardson, S.D. 2002. The Role of GC-MS and LC-MS in the Discovery of Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 4(1):1-9.

Richardson, S.D. 2002. Environmental Mass Spectrometry: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues. Analytical Chemistry. 74(12):2719-2742.

Richardson, S.D., J.E. Simmons and G. Rice. 2002. Disinfection Byproducts: The Next Generation. Environmental Science and Technology. 36(9):198A-205A.

Russo, R.C. 2002.  Development of Marine Water Quality Criteria for the USA. Marine Pollution Bulletin.  45(1-12):84-91.

Sawunyama, P. and G.W. Bailey. 2002. Computational Chemistry Study of the Environmentally Important Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Atrazine and Related 2-chloro-s-triazines. Pest Management Science. 58(8):759-768.

Simmons, J.E., S.D. Richardson, T.F. Speth, R.J. Miltner, G. Rice, K.M. Schenck, E.S. Hunter III and L.K. Teuschler. 2002.  Development of a Research Strategy for Integrated Technology-Based Toxicological and Chemical Evaluation of Complex Mixtures of Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts. Environmental Health Perspectives.  110(Supplement 6):1013-1024.

Susarla, S., V.F. Medina and S.C. McCutcheon. 2002. Phytoremediation: An Ecological Solution to Organic Chemical Contamination. Ecological Engineering. 18(5):647-658.

Thurston, R.V., (Ed.).  2002.  Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium, La Paz B.C.S. Mexico, January 22-26, 2001.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Publication No. EPA/600/R-02/097 (PDF, 382 pp., 3.8 MB, about PDF).

Weinberg, H.S., S.W. Krasner, S.D. Richardson, and A.D. Thruston, Jr.  2002.  The Occurrence of Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) of Health Concern in Drinking Water: Results of a Nationwide DBP Occurrence Study.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA. Publication No. EPA/600/R-02/068 (PDF, 460 pp., 9.2 MB, about PDF).

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