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Staff & Center News

USGS National Education Coordinator Visits Office in St. Petersburg, FL

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Robert Ridky, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Education Coordinator, visited the USGS Center for Coastal and Watershed Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, on March 17 to share his ideas about USGS research and education in a presentation titled "Integrating Education and Research at USGS: Need, Purposes, and Approach." He highlighted the increasing national need for public understanding of Earth science and technology at a time when statistics show a decrease in student enrollment in Earth-science fields. Nearly all Federal agencies have recommended increased spending on Earth-science education.

Ridky met with Andrew Stone, director of the American Ground Water Trust (AGWT); Lisa Robbins, director of the USGS center in St. Petersburg; and Ann Tihansky, USGS hydrologist, to exchange ideas, goals, and visions for a newly established partnership between the USGS and the AGWT (see "USGS and the American Ground Water Trust Expand Teacher Institute Program" in this issue's Outreach section).

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USGS and the American Ground Water Trust Expand Teacher Institute Program
June 2005

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in this issue: Research cover story:
USGS and AGI Receive Valuable Seismic Data from Chevron

Fieldwork Northeastern Caribbean Tsunami and Earthquake Hazards

Habitat Mapping to Assess Health of Apalachicola Bay Oyster Fishery

Submarine Ground-Water Discharge Along the Suwannee River Delta

Outreach USGS Scientist Featured on Television Series

Earth Day Celebration at Elementary School

Oyster-Reef Restoration

Department of Commerce Science and Technology Fellows Visit USGS

USGS and American Ground Water Trust Expand Teacher Institute Program

Youth Enrichment Service E-Team Visits USGS

Awards USGS Personnel in St. Petersburg, Florida, Win Awards

Staff & Center News Clean-Room Construction Begins at Woods Hole Science Center

USGS National Education Coordinator Visits St. Petersburg Office

Kurt Rosenberger Joins the Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team

Publications June Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)