**Welcome to the National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention Website!**


250 Fifth Avenue
Suite 403
New York, New York 10001

The National Latino Council on Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention, more commonly known as LCAT, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) national organization established in 1989 in order to combat alcohol and tobacco problems and their underlying causes in Latino communities. As the only Latino national organization dedicated solely to reducing the harm caused by alcohol and tobacco in the Latino community, our work is conducted through research, advocacy, policy analysis, community education, training and information dissemination.

Smokers Flock Together and Quit Together
Social Networks Exert Key Influences on Decision to Quit Smoking Wednesday, May 21, 2008
When smokers kick the habit, odds are they are not alone in making the move. Instead, the decision to quit smoking often cascades through social networks, with entire clusters of spouses, friends, siblings and co-workers giving up the habit roughly in tandem, according to a new study supported in part by the...read more
Cigarette Bill Treats Menthol With Leniency
By STEPHANIE SAUL Published: May 13, 2008
Some public health experts are questioning why menthol, the most widely used cigarette flavoring and the most popular cigarette choice of African-American smokers, is receiving special protection as Congress tries to regulate tobacco for the first time....read more
Brewers Target Latino Kids in Bid to Gain Market
By Jovita Juárez and Bernardo Rosa-Lugo Jr. The Sacramento Bee
For years beer makers have tried to wedge Mexican culture into the cold brew of their Cinco de Mayo promotions. But come Seis de Mayo, these companies are sure to discard their Latino fervor like a spent lime husk at the bottom of a Corona bottle. ...read more
 for the concerned public

LCAT DVD Now Available!

Tobacco 101: Smoking Is a Family Matter

This new DVD will prove to be an educational tool that will help inform the Latino community about the health consequences of using tobacco and the benefits of quitting. Great for individuals and organizations serving our community!


$25.00 (includes S&H)

Each DVD contains an English and Spanish version


For additional information contact mlopez@nlcatp.org.




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