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Poverty status of school-age children, and number and percent of children served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, from non-NAEP sources: By state, 2001 and school years 1990–91 through 2001–02
Poverty status of 5- to 17-year-olds: 2001 Children (age 3 to 21) served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B
Number in poverty
(in thousands)
Percent in poverty Number of children: 2001–02 school year Percent change:
1990–91 to 2001–02
   Nation 7,891 15.1 6,407,418 34.6
Alabama 174 21.1 96,477 1.6
Alaska  14 10.3 18,017 22.2
Arizona  214 20.1 100,886 76.3
Arkansas  124 25.0 63,969 33.7
California 1,101 15.4 657,671 40.1
Colorado  90 10.5 80,083 40.2
Connecticut 58 9.6 74,016 14.6
Delaware  13 8.5 17,295 21.0
Florida  499 17.5 379,609 60.8
Georgia  301 18.4 178,239 74.7
Hawaii  32 14.6 23,526 78.6
Idaho 36 13.1 29,100 32.2
Illinois  342 15.3 306,355 28.1
Indiana 105 9.6 161,519 40.9
Iowa 32 6.1 73,084 20.4
Kansas  58 12.3 61,873 36.9
Kentucky  108 15.5 98,146 23.6
Louisiana  188 21.3 99,325 34.8
Maine  22 11.2 36,580 30.7
Maryland  73 6.8 112,426 23.2
Massachusetts  110 11.3 150,003 -3.0
Michigan 206 11.6 226,061 35.4
Minnesota 70 8.1 110,964 37.2
Mississippi 131 24.0 62,196 2.1
Missouri 108 10.7 141,524 38.8
Montana  22 13.7 19,262 12.4
Nebraska 39 12.5 43,864 33.9
Nevada 37 8.9 40,227 118.2
New Hampshire  16 7.1 30,270 54.0
New Jersey  124 8.9 228,844 26.2
New Mexico  85 24.1 52,225 44.9
New York  624 19.0 440,232 43.2
North Carolina  216 14.7 186,972 51.9
North Dakota  16 16.7 13,627 9.0
Ohio 294 15.0 238,547 16.1
Oklahoma  113 18.0 87,801 33.7
Oregon  87 13.8 76,129 38.0
Pennsylvania 257 12.7 249,731 13.8
Rhode Island  16 9.1 31,816 51.0
South Carolina 169 22.2 110,037 41.5
South Dakota  9 6.9 16,931 13.0
Tennessee  169 17.3 126,245 20.4
Texas  897 20.4 492,857 40.6
Utah 54 10.8 54,570 14.3
Vermont  9 9.9 13,886 13.2
Virginia  99 7.4 170,518 49.6
Washington  134 12.1 120,970 41.7
West Virginia 56 20.5 50,136 16.2
Wisconsin  111 12.1 127,035 46.1
Wyoming  7 8.9 13,286 18.6
Other Jurisdictions      
  District of Columbia 24 30.9 12,456 98.0
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institue of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2003 (NCES 2005–025), tables 20 and 54 (pp. 33, 74). U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Decennial Census, Minority Economic Profiles, unpublished data; and Current Population Reports, Series P-60, "Poverty in the United States," "Money Income of Households, Families, and Persons in the United States," and "Income, Poverty, and Valuation of Noncash Benefits," various years, and "Money Income in the U.S.: 2001," P60-213. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, various years, and unpublished tabulations, and the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary/Secondary Education," 2001-02.

Last updated 13 October 2005 (MM)
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