USAID: From the American People | ASIA


Asia’s Environmental Challenge

As the fastest growing region in the world, Asia faces unprecedented environmental challenges with disproportionate impacts on the urban poor and women. Due to the transnational nature of environmental challenges, regional cooperation on global climate change, illegal logging, wildlife trafficking, fisheries management, energy security, and conflict resolution is crucial to an effective response.

USAID Response

The USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office addresses transnational environmental challenges in Asia through activities that promote regional cooperation as well as through targeted bilateral activities in USAID non-presence countries. In implementing regional activities, USAID demonstrates innovation and best practice at the country level and shares successes at the regional level.  Programs are designed to maximize country-level development impact through support for government reforms, capacity building, and, in some cases, technology cooperation.  USAID also works closely with international development partners to strengthen regional institutions and networks that can further sustain and multiply environmental improvements.

Environmental Cooperation-Asia

To address regional environmental challenges, USAID established Environmental Cooperation-Asia, or ECO-Asia, a regional platform that promotes a range of initiatives designed to:

  • Improve access to clean water and sanitation;
  • Promote clean energy and mitigate climate change impacts;
  • Improve sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity conservation; and;
  • Strengthen environmental governance.

ECO-Asia provides a platform for sharing and replicating experiences, technical innovations and expertise, and for improving cooperation between Asian countries, cities, and communities. Partners in promoting regional dialogue include Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Association of South East Asian Nations, the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the Mekong River Commission,  and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Key program countries include: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Vietnam.

See for further information on ECO-Asia.

Reports and Publications

Current Activities

Environment Articles

This page last updated on August 27, 2008