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Normit estimates for Connecticut, grade 8 mathematics state assessment (accommodations not permitted [R2]): 2000
Variable Values Estimate Standard error Lower Upper Design effect
Overall 0.40 0.034 0.332 0.47 2.439
LEP Yes -0.95 0.937 -0.909 -0.464 4.861
No 0.42 0.03 0.355 0.476 1.914
SD Yes -0.20 0.108 -0.411 0.019 1.178
No 0.43 0.034 0.365 0.502 2.326
Year of birth 82
83 -1.23 0.221 -1.674 -0.79 0.485
84 -0.95 0.174 -1.298 -0.604 1.195
85 0.16 0.062 0.039 0.289 1.837
86 0.50 0.032 0.436 0.564 1.675
87 0.18 0.238 -0.299 0.651 0.621
88 0.03 0.891 -1.751 1.809 4.013
Type of location Large city
Mid-size city -0.34 0.076 -0.492 -0.188 3.064
Urban fringe of large city 0.74 0.053 0.635 0.846 1.871
Urban fringe of mid-size city 0.51 0.044 0.424 0.598 1.43
Large town 0.82 0.302 0.214 1.42 2.464
Small town
Rural 0.66 0.067 0.531 0.797 2.015
Title 1 Yes -0.66 0.153 -0.961 -0.349 4.126
No 0.50 0.042 0.416 0.585 3.71
School lunch Student not eligible 0.67 0.031 0.607 0.73 1.611
Reduced price lunch -0.00 0.087 -0.176 0.171 0.811
Free lunch -0.52 0.086 -0.693 -0.347 3.334
Information not available 0.15 0.193 -0.233 0.539 6.062
Refused -1.33
School not participating 1.12 0.244 0.629 1.603 2.554
MSA flag No 0.57 0.071 0.432 0.717 1.928
Yes 0.38 0.038 0.299 0.452 2.526
Math course taken Omit -0.04 0.306 -0.654 0.57 1.101
Eighth-grade mathematics -0.09 0.052 -0.193 0.017 2.729
Pre-algebra 0.33 0.056 0.219 0.441 3.131
Algebra I 1.16 0.047 1.068 1.258 1.711
Geometry 0.28 0.594 -0.903 1.471 4.758
Algebra II 0.22 0.2 -0.177 0.621 0.932
Integrated or sequential math 0.31 0.323 -0.341 0.95 2.484
Other mathematics class -0.25 0.196 -0.643 0.14 1.415
Race White 0.72 0.026 0.672 0.776 1.288
Black -0.52 0.051 -0.624 -0.42 1.092
Hispanic -0.42 0.058 -0.533 -0.301 1.088
Asian/Pacific Islander 0.53 0.147 0.233 0.822 1.016
American Indian/Alaskan Native 0.27 0.246 -0.227 0.756 0.825
Other -0.30 0.286 -0.875 0.269 1.158
Sex Male 0.47 0.044 0.384 0.558 1.949
Female 0.33 0.039 0.249 0.405 1.604
† Not applicable.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2000 Mathematics Assessment.
Last updated 13 August 2008 (KL)

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