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NAEP Analysis and Scaling → Estimation of NAEP Score Scales → NAEP Scales → Correlations Among NAEP Subject Area Subscales → Conditional Correlations and Variances of the Subscales, by Grade, Science National Main Assessment (Accommodations Not Permitted [R2]): 2000
Conditional correlations and variances of the subscales, by grade, science national main assessment (accommodations not permitted [R2]): 2000
Grade  Scale Physical science Earth science Life science
4 Physical science § § §
Earth science 0.84 § §
Life science 0.91 0.81 §
Residual variance 0.40 0.45 0.42
8 Physical science § § §
Earth science 0.88 § §
Life science 0.85 0.89 §
Residual variance 0.35 0.40 0.35
12 Physical science § § §
Earth science 0.83 § §
Life science 0.90 0.86 §
Residual variance 0.32 0.32 0.29
§This is a lower triangular symmetrical table.
NOTE: Values in the table are estimates conditioned on the set of principal components included in the models used to estimate group score distributions.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2000 Science Assessment.
Last updated 11 July 2008 (DR)

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