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Biocriteria Links

In an effort to improve outreach and communication on topics related to biological criteria and aquatic biological assessment, the EPA Office of Water has developed an interactive forum (a List server) on the Internet to facilitate discussion and the exchange of information. The Listserver provides an electronic forum which allows subscribers to pose questions to other subscribers, promotes discussion of issues on biological assessment and criteria, alert participants of upcoming meetings of interest and recently published papers, answer questions, etc. This list welcomes participation from all interested parties, including government agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry, educators, researchers, public interest groups and the general public. Potential topics of discussion may include (but are not limited to) sampling methods, reference condition, habitat, metrics, indices, seasonal variability and implementation in water resource management and protection programs.

The name of the List server is Biocriteria, but all topics of discussion on bioassessment as well as biocriteria are welcome.

For those of you new to List servers, subscribing to a List server is somewhat like subscribing to a magazine. When a message is sent out by a subscriber, it will appear in your email box. You have the option of reading it and responding to the sender, reading the message only, or simply ignoring the message if it is a topic which doesn't interest you.

To subscribe to the list

  1. Start a new email message, leaving the subject line blank, and addressing it to: listserver@unixmail.rtpnc.epa.gov
  2. In the body of the message write: subscribe biocriteria [firstname] [lastname]
    (Leave one blank space between each word, do not include any other text in the message, and use your actual name—i.e., don't write "firstname lastname")
  3. Send the message.

You will receive a welcome message in your email box once you have been subscribed and then you are free to post messages, respond to other peoples' messages, etc.

This is a free service with is no charge.

Biological Indicators

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