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The Sierra Leone Mission of the U.S. Agency for International Development: Enhancing Democratic Governance


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NEWS 2008

From 2004 to 2007

Sierra Leone Elections: Women Challenge Male Domination

The West African state of Sierra Leone has successfully pulled-off its third consecutive peaceful, democratic and credible election, since the end of the country’s brutal civil war in 2002.Go to Story

Sierra Leonean women

“I Now Read Short Stories with my Children”

“My name is Amara Kamara from Koinadugu district. In my native Sierra Leone I never had a chance to attend school. At forty five years old, I still did not know how to read or write.Go to story

promoting literacy in Sierra Leone

Women Mobilize for Election in Sierra Leone

In Othmen N’Yellah’s village of Porto Loco, on the northern coast of Sierra Leone, 70 percent of girls do not attend school because of poverty. N’Yellah wants to change that. As a candidate running for local elections in July, she feels the time has come for women to have a greater voice at the community and national level. Go to story

Mrs N'Yellah and NDI coordinator