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The Sierra Leone Mission of the U.S. Agency for International Development: Enhancing Democratic Governance


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FEBRUARY 5, 2007

USAID's Strategic Objective in Sierra Leone: 'Enhancing Democratic Governance'

(excerpt from USAID/Sierra Leone's Strategy Statement, 2006-08, p. 3)

The Mission’s hypothesis hinges on the premise that civil unrest emerges in the absence of transparent governance. This risk increases where there are perceptions of public corruption and inefficiency, where citizens’ civil rights are denied, and where potential ‘spoilers” have continued access to financing. Furthermore, the lack of democratic governance leads to marginalization of citizens, who end up adopting behaviors that are injurious to peace, security and stability. To address this situation, this strategy is designed around a single Strategic Objective: "Enhance Democratic Governance."

All earmarks and sectoral funding will be directed to accomplish the Fragile States governance objective while also achieving sectoral results.5 In addition to democracy and governance activities, health, biodiversity, and livelihoods programs will focus on strengthening social institutions, public and private, in a manner that expands participation and incorporates principles of accountability, transparency, and efficiency at the grassroots level. Emphasis will be placed on programs which empower formerly marginalized women and youth. Communities will be encouraged to develop and implement plans that promote democratic governance. Small grants will be made available to community-based organizations, while instilling principles of transparent management, and building capacity among civil society groups.

Activities will be developed to expand the public’s access to government information, and facilitate processes for government to share information on services and amenities expenditures with local communities. These include face-to face meetings between leadership and the community, and circulation of relevant public information within the media.

Because the situation of war-affected youth is critical, activities will be developed to support income generation, broadened political participation, move citizens beyond the struggle for survival, and engage youth in productive activities. To address conflict diamonds, the mission will continue its work in the corruption-plagued alluvial diamond sector. Civil society will be empowered to monitor the diamond sector, and to help direct the equitable and transparent management and use of the diamond resources. USAID will support efforts of the Kimberly Process and the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) to further improve transparency and management, to limit the potential for civil unrest, to maximize respect for human rights, and to provide employment.

Last updated February 5, 2007.
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