US Imports of Steel Mill Products
HTS Code All Products
Quantities in Metric Tons

  JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08
Product HTS Description Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
All Products All Products 3,722.2 $3,428.23 2,177.3 $10554.75 1,999.2 $2,228.06 856.6 $1,604.67
721650 OTH ANGLS SHPS SEC IOS NA HOT-WKD 671.7 $1,445.26 832.0 $1,491.43 1,666.8 $1,762.19 856.6 $1,601.80
730519 PIPE, OIL LINE ETC OV16IN IR OR STEEL, CLOSE NESOI 2,843.9 $4,076.40 . . . . . .
730439 OTH IOS NA PS TB HLW PFL SMLS CIR CS NT CLD-WRKD . . 1,075.3 $19943.53 . . . .
721012 FR IOS NAL 600MM AO W TIN CTD OR PLTD UNDR 0.5MM T 178.3 $933.83 269.2 $1,006.04 . . . .
721113 FR HS IOS NA UN600MM W HR PL UNVRSL MLLPLTE . . . . 328.5 $1,731.62 . .
721011 FR IOS NA 600MM AO W TIN COATD OR PLTD 0.5MM AO TH 27.4 $891.55 . . . . . .
730441 OTH SS TB PS HLW PFL SMLS CIRC CS COLD-WRKD . . . . 3.4 274844.27 . .
722090 FL-RLD STNLS STL UN 600MM WDE, NESOI 0.9 $5,877.55 . . . . . .
730690 PIPES ETC NESOI, RIVETED ETC, OF IRON OR STEEL . . 0.0 $23000.00 0.2 $45473.43 0.0 123618.33
730411 Line Pipe, Stainless Steel, Seamless, Of A Kind Used For Oil Or Gas Pipelines . . . . 0.2 $1,500.00 . .
730429 CASING AND TUBING,OIL,GAS DRILLING, IRON OR STEEL . . 0.2 $44871.79 . . . .
730630 PIPE ETC NESOI, WELD CIR CR SECT, IRON OR NONAL ST . . 0.1 $79436.62 0.0 388333.33 . .
722220 OTH BARS A RODS, STNLS STL, NT FUR TH CLD-FRM/FNSH 0.0 $15571.43 . . . . 0.0 $39125.00
730424 Casings, Tubing, Stainless Steel, Seam- Less, For Use In Drilling For Oil Or Gas . . 0.0 $69743.59 . . 0.0 $25000.00
730490 TUBES, PIPES ETC, SEAMLESS NESOI, IR NESOI & STEEL . . 0.0 278235.29 . . . .
730590 PIPE NESOI, OV16IN IRON OR STEEL, CLOSED NESOI . . 0.0 $44590.67 . . 0.0 $21610.00
730629 Casing/Tubing,I/S, Wld O/T Ss, Riveted Or Sim Clsd, Nes, For Oil/Gas Drilling . . 0.0 $22250.00 . . . .
721730 WIRE OF IRN,NOAL ST, PLTED OR CTD BASE METAL,NESOI . . . . . . 0.0 390000.00

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: November 4, 2008, with
Licensing data collected through November 4, 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the reported period
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