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Selecting the Samples for the National 2006 Civics Assessment

The national samples for the 2006 civics assessment were selected using a complex multistage sampling design that involved sampling students from selected schools within selected geographic areas across the country. The sample design had the following stages:

   1. selection of geographic areas (a county, group of counties, or metropolitan statistical area);
   2. selection of schools (public and nonpublic) within the selected areas; and
   3. random selection of students within the selected schools.

Each selected school that participated in the assessment and each student assessed represents a portion of the population of interest. Therefore, sampling weights are needed to make valid inferences between the student samples and the respective populations from which they were drawn. Sampling weights adjust for disproportionate representation due to such oversampling.

For the 2006 civics assessment, accommodations for students with disabilities (SD) and English language learners (ELL) were permitted for the entire sample of students. To learn more, read about the NAEP inclusion policy.

View a summary of the sample sizes and target populations for grades 4, 8, and 12.

View a summary of student and school participation rates for the NAEP 2006 civics assessment.

Last updated 12 March 2007 (FW)
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