From: ToddC [] Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:50 AM To: '' Subject: Regulation SHO (s7-23-03) If you want to stop naked short selling. Then fight the cause not the end product. Naked shorting occurs because of fraudulent company promoters, whom distort the true supply and demand of the markets. They take shares from the DTC thus making them unborrowable. This activity is done in hopes of creating short squeezes. If you want to prevent naked shorting enforce strict rules on fraudulent company practices. Make sure stocks have sufficient liquidity rules. Back-up those rules with stiff fines and jail time for the guilty. Shortsellers are rewarded when the scams they uncover drop back to market reality. Give whistle blower fees to the people who turn in scam ridden companies. Make your jobs easier with a little help from the markets balancing act. (The shorts) Sincerely, Todd Chaffee