From: JAMIE HORNBUCKLE [] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 7:09 PM To: Subject: File # S7-23-03 I am so glad to see the Securities and exchange commission finally dealing with the problems of naked shorting. I support whatever rules you will enact to end this abuse. I would like to see the Securities and Exchange commission deal with this swiftly and harshly. For far to long certain traders and individuals have abused the system and have been allowed to profit, in my mind, by breaking the law. I also believe other federal agencies need to be brought into this matter as I would imagine the laws that have been broken involve, RICO, Money Laundering, TAX EVASION, and Securites Fraud just to name a few. Please to not sweep this issue under the carpet any longer. Jamie Hornbuckle Lilburn, GA -- __________________________________________________________ Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Search Smarter - get the new eXact Search Bar for free!