From: beatrice rhinhold [] Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 8:56 PM To: Subject: S7-23-03 My name is Beatrice Rhinhold and I would like to thank you for this chance to let my voice be heard. For several years now many of us have suspected that something was not right in the trading of many securities. Somewhere along the line the term "naked shorting" was coined. I am glad to see that the SEC has adopted this term and has gone even further to admit its existence and the problems that it has created in our markets. This abuse of being able to constantly sell shares of a stock without first borrowing the shares has put a serious drain on many stocks. With the advent of the electronic trading system, this problem has been allowed to exist by the mere fact that most trades now-a-days are nothing more then an electronic entry. There is no system in place to ensure that the person actually selling a stock even owns it or has made "affirmative determination" that they could legally borrow said security. I ask that you pass these new rules and most importantly, I urge you to enforce all the laws at your disposal. Please force all brokers and market makers to cover any shares they have sold short that they did not borrow. The abuse must end here and it is your duty and responsibility protect investors. Sincerely and respectfully, Beatrice Rhinhold Miami, FL -- __________________________________________________________ Sign-up for your own personalized E-mail at Search Smarter - get the new eXact Search Bar for free!