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Long-Acting and Permanent Methods

In much of the developing world individuals and couples do not have access to the full range of contraceptive options that they should have, and long-acting and permanent methods of contraception in particular remain highly underutilized.

Long-acting and permanent methods such as intrauterine devices (IUDs), implants, female sterilization (such as tubal ligation), and male sterilization, or vasectomy are by far the most effective (99% or greater) type of modern contraception and are very safe, convenient, and cost-effective in the long-run. They are all clinical methods and must be provided in health facilities by trained doctors, nurses, and/or midwives.

With its global expertise in improving the quality of family planning programs, EngenderHealth is bringing as many options as possible to those choosing a family planning method. We are partnering with governments and communities across Africa, Asia and Latin America to promote long-acting and permanent methods, which are resulting in significant achievements. EngenderHealth, through the ACQUIRE Project, also is expanding the capacity of selected national governments to provide quality family planning, focusing on promoting the availability and use of long-acting and permanent methods.

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