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Metallogeny of the Great Basin: Crustal Evolution, Fluid Flow, and Ore Deposits

Project Objectives

Key objectives of this project are (1) synthesis of the enormous amount of information generated over past decades in the Great Basin by the USGS, States, academia, mining and petroleum industry into an atlas of digital maps, cross sections, and relational databases, (2) these maps, sections and databases will be augmented and combined with new information from critical topical or geographic areas to address fundamental problems of ore genesis for a variety of ore deposit types, (3) a digital 4-D geologic model will be constructed in northern Nevada that encompasses the major mineral belts, (5) one or more detailed 4-D models will be constructed for large mining districts such as the Carlin trend, (6) the 4-D models will be used to reconstruct the geology for important periods of ore formation on regional and district scales, and (6) the resulting 3-D reconstructions will be the foundation for numerical models of fluid flow, metal transport, and ore deposition.

Relevance & Impact

The geologic maps, sections, data bases, 4-D models and reconstructions produced by this project will be valuable products in their own right and will increase understanding of the geology of the Great Basin and the relation of ore deposits to its tectonic history. Documentation of the spatial and temporal relationships between ore deposits of different types and ages together with the fluid flow and chemical modeling results will result in a vastly improved understanding of the fundamental controls on metallogeny in this world class gold province and the roles of crustal structures and inheritance in mineral belts. The identification of these controls and the methods of study developed during the course of this project are exportable to other regions of interest and should be of value to future metallogenic and assessment studies at home and abroad. Further, resulting data and interpretations, in particular an information bank on areas in the Great Basin likely to receive focused attention from the mining industry in the future, will provide scientific syntheses highly relevant to decision makers in other Federal, State, and Local agencies.

Project Chief:

Albert Hofstra Box 25046 MS 973
Denver, CO 80225
(303) 236-5530
Email Albert Hofstra
Alan R. Wallace Mackay School of Earth Sciences, MS 176
Reno, NV 89557
(775) 784-5789
Email Alan Wallace


Products are listed according to task:

Tasks Title
Task 1 4-D geologic model of northern Nevada mineral belts and Atlas of Great Basin geology and ore
Task 2 Neogene tectonics, ore deposits, and Middle Miocene reconstruction
Task 3 Paleogene tectonics, ore deposits, and Late Eocene reconstruction
Task 4 Mesozoic-Cenozoic plutons and pluton-related ore deposits
Task 5 Late Paleozoic to Early Tertiary Contractional Deformation
Task 6 Paleozoic passive margin carbonate platform: Stratigraphic, sedimentologic, petrographic, and structural relationships to syngenetic ore deposits
Task 7 Precambrian crust/mantle domains, crustal faults, and ore deposits
Task 8 District scale geologic, fluid flow, and geochemical models

Task 1 - 4-D geologic model of northern Nevada mineral belts and Atlas of Great Basin geology and ore deposits



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Task 2 - Neogene tectonics, ore deposits, and Middle Miocene reconstruction



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Task 3 - Paleogene tectonics, ore deposits, and Late Eocene reconstruction




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Task 4 - Mesozoic-Cenozoic plutons and pluton-related ore deposits


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Task 5 - Late Paleozoic to Early Tertiary Contractional Deformation



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Task 6 - Paleozoic passive margin carbonate platform: Stratigraphic, sedimentologic, petrographic, and structural relationships to syngenetic ore deposits


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Task 7 - Precambrian crust/mantle domains, crustal faults, and ore deposits


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Task 8 - District scale geologic, fluid flow, and geochemical models



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