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Learning Network for Active Aging

Bridging: Research > Practice > Healthy Communities

E-collaboration for innovation.

More than a list of resources, The Learning Network for Active Aging aims to be a forum where those interested in active living, healthy aging and smart communities may both access and provide information. Truly innovative e-collaboration!

Women sitting at a computerMan fishingTwo women walkingA scene of a city streetA couple walking through the woods

What is the Learning Network for Active Aging?
DESIGNED by YOU- Active for Life ® and the National Blueprint in collaboration with the EPA Aging Initiative is creating an internet based forum with interactive resources and technical assistance to foster healthy communities for active aging with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and technical assistance from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Healthy Aging Research Network.

Why is the Learning Network for Active Aging needed?
INFORMATION- there is a vast array on the topics of healthy living, active aging and environmentally enhanced communities.  The Learning Network for Active Aging is a coordinated forum to connect those who have the information and those who need the information in order to take advantage of lessons learned, to foster dissemination of ideas and experiences, and to build recognition in the broader community.

Two women walking
Who will be a part of the Learning Network for Active Aging?
YOU, organizations, practitioners, community leaders, community based health and wellness professionals, community organizations, physical activity, healthy living & aging programs,  environmental community recognition enthusiasts, researchers, academicians…

How can I use the Learning Network for Active Aging?
IMAGINE the possibilities, build on learnings already available, simplify access to information, reduce duplication of efforts, locate effective research-based information, resources and tools, highlight best practices, identify and share effective programs, find support, recognize environments that support healthy living, describe challenges and barriers, link  new and experienced professionals, disseminate research translation, focus on sustainability, plan future programs, develop policy, share YOUR experience and accomplishments, emphasize YOUR program’s learnings.

What would YOU like to access and share with the Learning Network for Active Aging?

Contact information: Cathy Liles icliles@srph.tamhsc.edu


Active For Life National Blueprint: Increasing Phycial Activity Among Adults Aged 50 and Older Aging Initiative: Protecting the Health of Older Americans

PDF Version of Learning Network for Active Aging (1 p, 131 K, About PDF)

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