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Environmental Protection Agency, Office of the Administrator, Office of Children's Health Protection, Aging Initiative

 [Federal Register: April 16, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 74)]
[Page 20609-20614]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


Environmental Protection Agency, Office of the Administrator, 
Office of Children's Health Protection, Aging Initiative

    Solicitation Title: Protecting the Health of Older Adults by 
Improving the Environment: Training, Innovation, Outreach and 
Educational Projects; Initial Announcement.
    Funding Opportunity Number: USEPA-AO-OCHP-04-01.
    CFDA Number: 66.609 Office of Children and the Aging, Aging 
Initiative Fiscal Year 2004, Environmental Protection Agency, deadline 
for the pre-application, June 28, 2004; All applicants must submit a 
pre-application to be considered for an award.
    Solicitation closing date: September 20, 2004, for full proposals 
invited by EPA.

Table of Contents

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description
Section II. Award Information
Section III. Eligibility Information
Section IV. Application and Submission Process
Section V. Application Review Information
Section VI. Award Administration Information
Section VII. Agency Contact
Section VIII. Other Information


A. Summary

    The EPA Aging Initiative announces a new grant and cooperative 
agreement opportunity for Protecting the Health of Older Adults by 
Improving the Environment: Training, Innovation, Outreach and 
Educational Projects. Projects must accomplish one of the following 
five goals: (1) Train older adults, retirees and semi-retirees, to be 
environmental leaders in their community; (2) Demonstrate new or 
experimental technologies, methods, or approaches that reduce exposure 
to environmental health hazards; (3) Build state, local and tribal 
capacity to protect the health of older adults from environmental 
hazards; (4) Develop and implement outreach and educational strategies 
that reduce exposure to environmental health hazards; (5) Demonstrate 
how smart growth activities can improve the quality of life for older 
adults while improving environmental quality. Cost sharing or matching 
contributions are not required. Funds available for these projects are

[[Page 20610]]

expected to total approximately $200,000. Training, innovation, and 
outreach projects should address one or more of the following objectives:
    ? Implement effective leadership training programs 
for older adults including retirees and semi-retirees to be 
environmental leaders to address environmental health hazards in their 
    ? Demonstrate new or experimental technologies on 
risk-reduction strategies on environmental health hazards to older adults.
    ? Conduct outreach and educational 
intergenerational programs that engage older adults and children to 
reduce environmental health hazards in their communities.
    ? Build state, local and tribal capacity through 
coordinated efforts by aging, health and the environmental agencies to 
protect the health of older adults from environmental hazards.
    ? Demonstrate how smart growth activities can be 
incorporated in communities to improve the quality of life for older 
adults while improving environmental quality.

B. Authorities

    To be eligible to compete for these funds, applicants must be 
eligible under at least one of these authorities: Clean Air Act Section 
103 (b)(3); Clean Water Act, Section 104(b)(3); Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Section 20; Solid Waste Disposal Act 
Section 8001; Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1442; and Toxic 
Substances Control Act, Section 10.

C. Background

    By 2030, the number of older adults is expected to double to more 
than 70 million. The nation's older population can be particularly 
susceptible to health related effects from pollution. For example, 
research indicates ground level ozone or smog poses a serious health 
threat for vulnerable populations, including older adults. Surface 
water runoff can impair drinking water quality and engender harmful 
health impacts on older adults particularly if they have compromised 
immune systems. In addition to these health risks, aging adults may 
have different needs for housing, recreation, health care, and 
transportation. These needs will increase with the growth of this 
population, and must be addressed in a manner that will both promote 
the health of individuals and the environment. EPA's efforts to address 
environmental issues that affect the health and well-being of the 
nation's elders have been advanced by a workshop on the ``Differential 
Susceptibility and Exposure of Older Persons to Environmental Hazards'' 
convened by the National Academy of Sciences in December 2002. Public 
input provided through oral comments from concerned citizens at public 
listening sessions, meetings, and submitted written comments have 
contributed to the development of this solicitation.
    Many older adults contribute time, energy and expertise to their 
communities. The U.S. Department of Labor reports that older adults 
volunteer twice the time of any other age group in their community.\1\ 
EPA encourages the emerging generation of older adults to address 
environmental concerns in their communities. The participation of older 
adults is a key element in the EPA's Aging Initiative. EPA believes 
that retired and semi-retired older adults will be eager to play a 
central role in protecting the environment and educating their 
communities and younger generations about environmental hazards that 
may threaten natural resources and endanger public health. EPA intends 
to expand and create opportunities for older persons to identify 
environmental health hazards and environmental needs in their 
communities. Programs or activities to increase awareness of 
environmental hazards and their effects on public health will be 
encouraged. Older adults have the experience, commitment and concern 
for their environment that will not only preserve the quality of the 
environment but also the interest in working with younger generations 
to safeguard their health from environmental hazards. While many 
organizations respond to community needs, existing and new partnerships 
between state, local and tribal governments, together with non-profit 
aging, environmental, health, educational and faith-based organizations 
are needed to improve the environment.

    \1\ United States Department of Labor, December 17, 2003, news 
release, Volunteering in the United States. Data on volunteering was 
collected through a supplement to the September 2003 Current 
Population Survey (CPS).

    This solicitation will provide information and suggest effective 
strategies to protect the quality of life for older persons from 
environmental hazards. Pre-retirees and retirees will play a critical 
role in this effort. It is expected that many communities will develop 
outreach and educational intergenerational programs that reduce 
environmental hazards and improve the environment. According to data 
from the 2000 Census, 2.4 million grandparents are now the primary 
caregivers for their grandchildren and children of relatives. The EPA 
suggests that projects that involve grandparents and grandchildren are 
appropriate in strengthening bonds within families while acting 
responsibly for the benefit of the entire community.
    Older persons are a vulnerable population with respect to air and 
water pollution, and research has demonstrated links between 
development and environmental degradation. Increases in impervious 
surfaces result in more storm water runoff that directly enters surface 
waters without being filtered through the soil, potentially 
contributing to pollution in drinking water. Increasing distances 
between where people live, work, and shop can contribute to increases 
in air pollution associated with longer trips.
    Opportunities to address these environmental problems and create 
quality of life benefits for older adults are increased through smart 
growth practices such as mixing housing types within a community, 
creating walkable communities, and providing a range of transportation 
choices. A range of housing types and sizes can make efficient use of 
land, reduce impervious surface cover, and provide older adults with 
housing options that meet their needs as they change over time. 
Communities that offer amenities such as drug stores, libraries, 
grocery stores and restaurants within walking distance of homes or 
which are accessible by public transit can shorten vehicle trips and 
reduce emissions while also providing access, mobility, and 
independence for those citizens who have difficulty driving. Smart 
growth practices provide choices that both protect the environment and 
help people maintain their independence as they age, resulting in 
environmental benefits and enhanced quality of life.

D. Important Dates

    (1) All questions must be submitted in writing no later than June 
18, 2004 to the following address aging.info@epa.gov. Questions and 
responses will be posted at: http://www.epa.gov/aging/grants.htm.
    (2) Deadline for pre-application, June 28, 2004.
    (3) EPA will notify applicants eligible to proceed with submitting 
a full proposal on or before August 16, 2004.
    (4) Deadline for submission of full proposals: September 20, 2004.

Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

A. Funding Priorities

    This solicitation will support efforts to protect the health of 
older adults and

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the environment. This is an initial announcement for Protecting the 
Health of Older Adults by Improving the Environment: Training, 
Innovation, Outreach and Educational Projects. It is expected that 
these funds will assist in building local, state or tribal capacity to 
reduce environmental hazards that may affect the health of older 
persons. EPA expects to award these grants under the following six 
grant authorities: Clean Air Act section 103(b)(3); Clean Water Act 
section 104 (b)(3); Resource Conservation and Recovery Act section 
8001; Toxics Substances Control Act section 10; Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act section 20; and Safe Drinking Water Act 
sections 1442(a) and (c). In addition to the program criteria listed 
below, a proposal must meet the following two important threshold 
criteria to be considered for funding:
    Threshold Criterion #1. A project must consist of 
activities authorized under one or more of the six EPA grant 
authorities cited above. Most of the statutes authorize grants for the 
following activities: ``research, investigations, experiments, 
training, demonstrations, surveys and studies.'' These activities 
relate generally to the gathering or transferring of information or 
advancing the state of knowledge. Grant proposals should emphasize this 
``learning'' concept, as opposed to ``fixing'' an environmental problem 
via a well-established method. For example, a proposal to plant some 
trees in an economically depressed area in order to prevent erosion 
would probably not in itself fall within the statutory terms 
``research, studies, demonstrations,'' etc., nor would a proposal to 
start a routine recycling program. The project's activities must 
advance the state of knowledge or transfer information. The statutory 
term ``demonstration'' can encompass the first instance of the 
application of pollution control and prevention techniques, or an 
innovative application of a previously used method. The term 
``research'' may include the application of established practices when 
they contribute to ``learning'' about an environmental concept or problem.
    Threshold Criterion #2. In order to be funded, a project's 
focus generally must be one that is specified in the statutes listed 
above. For most of the statutes, a project must address the causes, 
effects, extent, prevention, reduction, and elimination of air, water, 
or solid/hazardous waste pollution, or, in the case of grants under the 
Toxic Substances Control Act or the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and 
Rodenticide Act, to ``carrying out the purposes of the Act.'' The 
overarching concern or principal focus must be on the statutory purpose 
of the applicable grant authority, in most cases ``to prevent or 
control pollution.'' In light of this, proposals relating to other 
topics which are sometimes included within the term ``environment'' 
such as recreation, conservation, restoration, protection of wildlife 
habitats, etc., should describe the relationship of these topics to the 
statutorily required purpose of pollution prevention and/or control. 
Proposals are encouraged under any of the categories described below. 
Products may include, but are not limited to, policy papers, case 
studies, workshops, educational materials, or on-site demonstrations. 
Grants or cooperative agreements will be considered in following 
categories: Projects that (1) Develop and implement outreach programs 
and educational strategies for risk reduction of environmental health 
hazards to older adults; (2) Foster development of civic engagement 
programs by older adults to address environmental hazards; (3) Engage 
socioeconomically disadvantaged elders in health promotion activities 
related to the environment; (4) Conduct outreach and educational 
intergenerational projects that address improve environmental quality 
and public health; and (5) Promote healthy communities for older adults 
through smart growth activities.
    Threshold Criterion #3. Proposals must address one of the 
five following funding priorities.
(1) Implement Effective Training Programs for Older Adults To Be 
Environmental Leaders in Their Communities (Grants)
    Possible areas for activities include but are not limited to: 
Establish academic institutional programs that train older adults, 
retirees and semi-retirees, in environmental stewardship; incorporate 
environmental health in older worker programs; train socio-economically 
disadvantaged elders to conduct outreach and education on environmental 
issues in their communities.
(2) Develop and Implement Outreach and Educational Strategies on Risk 
Reduction of Environmental Health Hazards to Older Adults (Grants)
    Possible areas for activities include but are not limited to: 
Partnerships with health professionals or health, state, local or 
tribal agencies to raise awareness of environmental triggers for 
chronic conditions; public service campaigns to address indoor and 
outdoor air quality and extreme temperatures; educational workshops for 
older adults regarding environmental hazards in the home and the 
garden; conduct an environmental health needs assessment for older 
minorities of environmental hazards in the community; develop best 
practice guides that address toxicants in senior housing and naturally 
occurring retirement communities (integrated pest management programs); 
establish environmental guidelines for elder friendly communities; 
develop a targeted educational campaign to disseminate the annual local 
water drinking water quality reports to older adults and raise 
awareness of potential environmental contaminants (see 
(3) Conduct Outreach and Educational Intergenerational Programs That 
Engage Older Adults and Children to Address Environmental Health 
Hazards (Grants)
    Possible outreach and educational areas include but are not limited 
to raising awareness of the benefits of using non-chemical and 
alternatives to pesticides in community gardens; raising awareness of 
recycling programs in the community for items such as batteries, 
mercury thermometers, cell phones or other electronic equipment.
(4) Build State Capacity Among State, Local and Tribal Agencies of 
Aging, Health and the Environment of State and Tribal Agencies to 
Protect the Health of Older Adults From Environmental Hazards (Grants)
    Possible areas for activities include but are not limited to: 
Establishing an interagency task force that prioritizes and addresses 
the leading environmental health problems in their state; convening a 
state-wide or tribal summit on environmental health hazards, such as 
environmental triggers for COPD and asthma, to older adults and 
preparing a plan of action to address these hazards; and developing an 
annual report on the state of the environmental health of older adults.
(5) Promote Healthy Communities for Older Adults Through Smart Growth 
Activities (Cooperative Agreements)
    Foster healthy communities and healthy lifestyles through 
transportation choice. Possible areas for activities to show the value 
of decreasing the number of vehicle trips (VTs) and vehicle miles 
traveled (VTM) include but are not limited to: Decreasing VTs and VTM 
by increasing awareness of design strategies to maximize pedestrian 
comfort; design charettes to improve pedestrian and street networks by 
improving the connectivity of important uses through trails and walking 

[[Page 20612]]

develop studies that examine policies to encourage older persons reduce 
single occupancy vehicles and opt for public transportation due to 
changes made that include trip frequency, or upgrades to buses for 
accommodating passengers with disabilities.
    Encourage compact, mixed use neighborhoods with a range of 
affordable, environmentally friendly housing choices for older persons. 
Possible areas for activities to show the value of decreasing VT and 
VTM include but are not limited to: Workshops to educate older adults 
about how density creates walkable neighborhoods, support housing 
choice and affordability, expand transportation choice, and improve 
neighborhood security; prepare case studies on successful integration 
of mixed uses into existing communities to meet the needs of older 
persons for services within walking or biking distance; demonstrate 
traffic design enhancements that support mobility and safety of older 
persons (i.e., longer signals, traffic calming measures, reduced street 
widths, modified medians).
    Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development 
decisions. Possible areas for activities include but are not limited 
to: Develop a program that encourages older adults to engage in 
community livability assessments to identify and address issues related 
to creating environmentally preferable communities that improve 
environmental quality and public health; create and distribute videos 
to educate all generations about the importance of open space to 
improve environmental quality and public health; develop educational 
and outreach programs that showcase effective land use, improved air 
and water quality through smart growth strategies; initiate outreach 
programs to inform older persons on how compact, mixed used 
neighborhoods can grant residents the opportunity to live in 
neighborhoods that meet their lifestyle preferences and economic means 
and can reduce VT and VMT while improving regional water quality.

B. Grants

    The demonstration, training or outreach and educational projects 
will address one of the following principal goals: (1) Train older 
adults in environmental stewardship; (2) Develop and implement outreach 
programs and educational strategies for risk reduction of environmental 
health hazards to older adults; (3) Foster development of civic 
engagement programs by older adults to address environmental hazards; 
and (4) Demonstrate intergenerational projects that address 
environmental health and ecological well-being.

C. Cooperative Agreements

    (1) Demonstrate how smart growth activities can improve the quality 
of life for older adults while improving environmental quality.

Section II--Award Information

    Funds available for these projects are expected to total 
approximately $200,000. Grants and cooperative agreements are expected 
to be awarded to approximately eight and 15 entities. Proposals for 
less than $15,000 or greater than $25,000 will not be considered. The 
awards will vary depending upon solicitation priorities, proposal 
quality and level of activity, and resource availability. EPA reserves 
the right to make no awards. It is expected that grants or cooperative 
agreements will begin in the fall of 2004 and be completed no later 
than the fall of 2006. If the applicant chooses to submit an 
application for a cooperative agreement, the agency will have 
substantial involvement in the project. Cooperative agreements entail 
substantial federal involvement in the project. The applicant must 
define the Agency's role in the proposal. Such involvement may include 
EPA review and approval of project scope and phases; EPA participation 
in and collaboration on, various phases of the work; EPA review of all 
draft and final products; regular e-mail, phone, and conference calls.

Section III--Eligibility Information

A. Eligible Applicants

    Eligible applicants include: State, local, tribal governments, 
including environmental, health and aging departments, academic 
institutions and non-profit organizations. Applicants must be eligible 
under at least one of these authorities: Clean Air Act Section 103 
(b)(3); Clean Water Act, Section 104 (b)(3); Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Section 20; Solid Waste Disposal Act 
Section 8001; Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 1442; or Toxic 
Substances Control Act, Section 10. Applicants may only submit one pre-
application proposal. Applicants must comply with Executive Order 
12372. ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs.''

B. Cost Sharing or Matching

    Cost sharing or matching funds are not required for this solicitation.

C. Other Eligibility Criteria

    (1) Responsible Officials. Projects must be performed by the 
applicant or by a person approved by the applicant and EPA. Proposals 
must identify the person(s) rather than the applicant who will assist 
in carrying out the project. These individuals are responsible for 
receiving the grant award agreement from EPA and ensuring that grant 
conditions are satisfied. Recipients are responsible for the successful 
completion of the project.
    (2) Incurring Costs. Pre-award costs will not be covered by this 
solicitation. Grant recipients may begin incurring allowable costs on 
the date identified in the EPA grant award agreement. Activities must 
be completed and funds spent within the time frames specified in the 
award agreement. EPA grant funds may be used only for the purposes set 
forth in the grant agreement and must conform to the Federal cost 
principles contained in OMB Circular A-87; A-122; and A-21, as 
appropriate. Ineligible costs will be reduced from the final grant award.
    (3) Multiple Proposals: Organizations may submit only one proposal 
for this solicitation.
    (4) Deadlines Pre-applications must be received by June 28, 2004. 
Late submissions will not be reviewed.

Section IV--Application and Submission Information

A. Address To Request Application Package

    This solicitation notice contains all of the instructions needed 
for preparing the pre-application proposal. While there are no required 
application forms or kits, there are format and content requirements 
which are described under Section IV (2), ``Content and Form 
Application Submission.'' Paper copies of this announcement can be 
obtained by contacting the EPA personnel listed in Section VII. 
Electronic copies will be available on the Aging Web site. Due to 
continued mail delays in the Washington, DC area, pre-applications are 
strongly encouraged to be sent by way of a private shipping company 
(e.g., Federal Express, UPS, DHL, or courier) to the attention of Kathy 
Sykes, U.S. EPA, Office of Children's Health Protection, the Aging 
Initiative, Room 2512 N, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 

B. Content and Form of Application Submission Required

    Pre-Application: Required Contents: The pre-application package 
must include all of the following items: 1. Summary cover page; 2. 
Federal forms

[[Page 20613]]

SF-424 and SF424A (Section B-Budget Categories); 3. Budget narrative; 
4. Project narrative; 5. Brief resume or bio of the Principal 
Investigator or Project Director; and 6. Appendices, as appropriate. 
The pre-application package is limited to no more than ten pages, 
excluding the SF-424 and SF424A, and the appendices. Pages must be 
letter-sized (8\1/2\ x 11 inches) and legible. Margins are not 
specified. Please submit an original and six copies of the pre-
application package.
    (1) Summary Cover Page (no more than one page).
    The summary information page should be one-page long and include 
the following information:
    (a) Making a Difference for the Environment and the Health of Older 
Adults: Training, Innovation, Outreach and Educational Projects USEPA-
    (b) Project title and location;
    (c) Applicant's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-
mail address;
    (d) Name and title of project contact (including how to reach if 
different from above);
    (e) Type of applicant organization (e.g., nonprofit, government 
agency, etc.) non-profit number.
    (f) Total budget request, dollar amount, from U.S. EPA for this 
    (g) Brief abstract of the proposal (5 to 10 lines).
    (2) Completed the SF-424 and the SF 424A (Section B--Budget 
Categories) For federal government forms; Budget Forms and 
Understanding Cost Principles for a Federal grant: See 
http://www.epa.gov/aging/grants.html or 
    (3) Budget narrative (up to 2 pages);
    Describe how funds will be used for specific items and activities. 
Your budget should include some if not all of the following major 
categories of expenses: personnel (salaries and fringe), travel, 
equipment, supplies, contract costs, and total direct and indirect 
costs. EPA will not pay for speaker honorariums.
    (4) Project Narrative (up to 6 pages).
    (i) Description of the lead organization for the project;
    (ii) Brief summary statement of the project's concept, goals and 
    (iii) Identification of the funding priority addressed by the 
project (see Section I);
    (iv) Brief summary of the method that will be used to achieve the 
project goals; and
    (v) Brief Summary of the kinds of activities that will be funded by 
the project. Describe precisely what your project will achieve. In your 
narrative, be sure to answer these questions in the following order:
    (aa) Who will conduct the project? What experience do you and or 
your partners have in addressing environmental health hazards? What is 
the nature of your on-going programs addressing environmental health or 
smart growth issues? If this is a partnership, what will be the roles 
and responsibilities of each partner? Who will be affected by and/or 
benefit from the project? How will older adults be targeted, 
identified, and recruited?
    (bb) What is the identified need in the community for this project 
and how was that need determined?
    (cc) What is the purpose of the project? Explain your strategy--
your goals and objectives, the specific activities that will be 
conducted to achieve them, and your projected outcomes. How will you 
evaluate the results and the level of success? Describe any mechanisms 
for tracking project outputs (e.g. how many older adults were trained, 
how many home, or facility assessments were conducted? and evaluating 
project outcomes (e.g. the effectiveness of the education and 
mitigation methods, the level of increased awareness, number of persons 
trained); How will the project be sustained beyond the life of the EPA 
    (dd) How will project's deliverables and/or findings be disseminated?
    (ee) All projects must be completed prior to September 30, 2006. 
Outline a detailed time line/responsibility matrix to link your project 
activities to a clear project schedule. Indicate at what point over the 
months of your budget period each action, project outcome or milestone 
occurs and indicate who is responsible for each action.
    (5) Brief resume or bio of Principal Investigator or Project 
Director (no more than one page).
    (6) Appendices: As appropriate and relevant, include letters of 
commitment from all major partners, state environmental, health, and 
aging departments or other organizations. Remember to include resumes 
or biographical sketches for key personnel, other than the Principal 
Investigator as appendices. Be sure letters of commitment focus on the 
partner's role in the proposed project. Do not include any materials 
other than letters of commitment and information on key personnel.

C. Full Proposals If Invited by EPA

1. Contents
    The EPA Application Kit for Federal Assistance can be obtained at 
http://www.epa.gov/aging/grants.html or at 
2. DUNS Instructions
    Grant applicants are required to provide a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) 
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number when applying for Federal 
grants or cooperative agreements. The DUNS number will supplement other 
identifiers required by statute or regulation, such as tax 
identification numbers. Organizations can receive a DUNS number in one 
day, at no cost, by calling the dedicated toll-free DUNS Number request 
line at 1-866-705-5711. Individuals who would personally receive a 
grant or cooperative agreement award from the Federal government apart 
from any business or non-profit organization they may operate are 
exempt from this requirement. The Web site where an organization can 
obtain a DUNS number is: http://www.dnb.com. Exit Disclaimer This process 
takes 30 business days and there is no cost unless the organization 
requests expedited (1-day) processing, which includes a fee of $40.
3. Dates and Deadlines
    (a) All questions must be submitted in writing by no later than 
June 18, 2004, to the following address: aging.info@epa.gov. EPA will 
post responses to questions at: http://www.epa.gov/aging/grants.htm. 
EPA will not respond to questions by phone or fax.
    (b) Deadline for pre-application: Monday, June 28, 2004. U.S. EPA 
must receive proposals by 5 p.m. eastern standard time (e.s.t.), 
Monday, June 28, 2004. No late proposals will be accepted. No fax or e-
mail submissions will be accepted. Postmarks or meter stamps will not 
be sufficient documentation of on-time delivery.
    (c) Confirmation of receipt of pre-application package will be 
issued by email not more than seven business days after receipt by the 
    (d) EPA will notify applicants eligible to proceed with submitting 
a full proposal on or before August 16, 2004.
    (e) Deadline for submission of full proposals: September 20, 2004.
    (f) Applicants will receive an e-mail notification of receipt of 
the full proposal within 30 days of receipt by the Agency.
    (g) Announcement of selected projects: fall 2004.
4. Intergovernmental Review
    Applicants may be subject to Executive Order 12372. 
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal

[[Page 20614]]

Programs'' See http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html Exit Disclaimer 
for more details.
5. Other Submission Requirements
    Please do not submit additional items. Unnecessary materials (cover 
letters, un-requested forms or binders) create extra burden for the 
reviewers and failure to follow instructions may lower your score. To 
ensure fair and open competition, EPA will respond to questions 
submitted by email through June 21, 2004. Send questions to 
aging.info@epa.gov. Questions and responses will be posted no later 
than two working days at: http://www.epa.gov/aging/grants.htm.

Section V--Application Review Information

A. Administrative Review

    The pre-application package will undergo an initial administrative 
review that will cover eligibility, threshold criteria, completeness 
and timeliness (see deadline above).

B. Review and Selection Process for Pre-Application Proposals (Maximum 
Score: 100 points)

    (1) Applications that pass the administrative review will be 
evaluated by a team of reviewers. Reviewers will score each full 
proposal based on how well it:
    (a) Demonstrates a proven track record and is viewed as an 
authority in working on the issues dealt with in the pre-application 
proposal. The project must demonstrate that the recipient has the 
personnel skills and experience necessary to ensure success. (20 points)
    (b) Demonstrates the project (1) Addresses a clear and previously 
unmet significant community need; (2) identifies who will benefit from 
the project; (3) involves the community in planning for and execution 
of the project; (4) provides lasting results. (20 points)
    (c) Establishes reasonable/realistic goals and objectives 
(including reasonable time frames); (1) Clearly outlines a cogent 
strategy for achieving, tracking, and demonstrating meaningful 
environmental results; (2) outlines how project's results will be 
evaluated; and (3) outlines how the project will be sustained beyond 
the funding cycle. (10 points)
    (d) Provides a mechanism for disseminating project results, such as 
product deliverables and lessons-learned, ability to be replicated in 
and disseminated to appropriate audiences. (15 points)
    (e) Outlines a clear and cost effective budget for proposed project 
(10 points).
    (f) Overall likely success and value of the project (10 points).
    (g) Demonstrates effective and substantial involvement of older 
adults in all aspects of the project. Includes a diverse team of older 
adults with expertise, experience and skills (15 points).
    (2) Other Factors:
    Selecting officials may also select applications based on 
geographical location, program balance and diversity. For geographical 
location selecting officials will consider the location of the projects 
as they relate to EPA regions. Selecting officials will also look for 
urban and rural demonstration projects. Based on the funding priorities 
described in Section I, a variety of priorities will be considered to 
achieve program balance. Socio-economic need may also be considered a 
criteria for selection of pre-application proposals.

Section VI--Award Administration Information

A. Award Notices

    Successful pre-applicants will be notified on or about August 16, 
2004. Unsuccessful applicants will be informed through a letter or fax 
sent to the Project Director provided by the applicant in the pre-
application proposal by August 30, 2004. For successful applicants who 
are asked to submit a full proposal, you can expect to receive a 
written notice signed by the EPA grants officer in the fall of 2004. 
Successful applicants must receive this document before the award can 
draw funds. This document will serve as the authorizing document. The 
award notice will be faxed to the key contact that the applicant in the 
full proposal.

B. Administrative Requirements

    Reporting requirements include the standard quarterly financial and 
performance reports, a quality assurance plan if environmental data is 
collected. The quarterly reports can be submitted by e-mail, followed 
by a hard copy that is signed and shipped by a private company or 
through the postal service.

C. Reports and Work Products

    Financial and other reporting requirements will be identified in 
the EPA grant award agreement. Grant recipients must submit formal 
quarterly progress reports, unless otherwise instructed in the award 
agreement. If environmental information is collected then a quality 
assurance plan may be required. Two copies of the final report and two 
copies of all work products must be sent to the EPA project officer 
within 90 days after the expiration of the budget period. This 
submission will be accepted as the final requirement, unless the EPA 
project officer notifies you that changes must be made.

Section VII. Agency Contact

    Kathy Sykes, Senior Advisor, Aging Initiative, U.S. EPA, Office of 
Children's Health Protection, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave, NW., Room 2512 
Ariel Rios North, Washington, DC 20004-2403, sykes.kathy@epa.gov, 
phone: (202) 564-3651, fax: (202) 564-2733, Web site: 

Section VIII. Other Information

A. Resources

    First time Federal fund recipients are encouraged to familiarize 
themselves with the regulations applicable to assistance agreements 
found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 40, Part 31 for 
State and local government entities. See 
http://www.epa.gov/docs/epacfr40/chapt-I.info/subch-B.html. You may also 
obtain a copy of the CFR Title 40, Part 31 at your local U.S. Government 
Bookstore, or through the U.S. Government Printing Office.

B. Regulatory References

    EPA's general assistance regulations at 40 CFR part 31 apply to 
state governments.

C. Dispute Resolution Process

    Procedures are in 40 CFR 30.63 and 40 CFR 31.70.

D. Shipping and Mailing Addresses and Information

    Applicants who need more information about this grant or 
clarification about specific requirements of this solicitation notice, 
should periodically check the web page for posted information 

    Dated: April 12, 2004.
William H. Sanders III,
Acting Director, Office of Children's Health Protection.
[FR Doc. 04-8678 Filed 4-15-04; 8:45 am]


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