Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
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Transportation Management Plan (TMP) Development Resources

Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans for Work Zones

This document (HTML, PDF 1.4MB) provides information about developing and implementing Transportation Management Plans (TMP), including information on how and where a TMP fits into project-level processes and procedures, a list of components that can be considered for inclusion in a TMP, descriptions of work zone management strategies, and examples and practices of how agencies are currently using TMPs.

Implementation of Transportation Management Plans

This presentation (HTML, PPT 4.6MB) was given at the AASHTO Design Meeting on July 15, 2008. It is oriented toward the role that designers play in developing TMPs, but also covers the basics of TMP development, a summary of the state of the practice of TMP development and implementation across the country, and a list of TMP development resources.

New 10/14/08 Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Three Levels of TMPs

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is in the midst of an historic period of road and bridge work that will take place over a 10-year period. Keeping traffic and freight moving during this time of unprecedented construction in Oregon is one of the top priorities of the Governor, Legislature, and the ODOT director. ODOT is focusing on identifying and addressing mobility issues prior to and during the design phase and through the development and implementation of Traffic Management Plans (TMPs). The goal of the TMPs is to address the traffic-related impacts of the construction projects in a cost-effective and timely manner with minimal interference to the traveling public through the effective application of traditional and innovative traffic mitigation strategies. Although the ODOT terminology is slightly different, these plans are essentially the same as what the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule refers to as a Transportation Management Plan. Read more

New 10/14/08 Wisconsin Department of Transportation

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has a guideline for developing TMPs (PDF 125KB) for all highway construction, street maintenance, and utility or construction activities performed by WisDOT, municipalities, and other agencies. The intent of this guideline is to assist regional planners, traffic engineers, and designers in developing TMPs for work zones and to help WisDOT develop and implement TMPs effectively and consistently statewide to enhance safety and mobility while minimizing delays caused by construction work zones.. Many of the strategies developed and discussed facilitate planning, managing, operating, and evaluating work zone safety and mobility. The guideline defines a coherent framework for integrating TMPs and traffic operation policies into the project development process and encourages consideration of TMPs at an early stage in project development.

WisDOT has also developed and implemented a Transportation Management Plan (TMP) training course. The course first explains the background of transportation management plan development at a federal and state level. It then explains specific components of a TMP within the context of Wisconsin practice, requirements and project development. The course also includes a TMP development exercise, in which participants are given the opportunity to apply the rules and requirements for TMPs and experience how a TMP evolves through the life of a project.

Tennessee DOT

Tennessee DOT (TDOT) has developed a TMP Workbook to aid DOT staff in developing TMPs. The Workbook is intended to serve as the decision-making platform for a TMP and also as the documentation of its development. The first part of the Workbook (Project Significance Determination) will be filled out by the planning staff, and then passed forward to designers to complete the sections on TMP strategies during project design. TDOT's Work Zone Safety and Mobility Manual describes the procedures required by TDOT's Work Zone Safety and Mobility Process for the development of a TMP for a project (Chapter 4), including use of the Workbook. The Manual also contains an example of a completed TMP Workbook (Appendix D).

Maryland State Highway Administration

The Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) has developed guidelines to provide information and guidance to SHA staff, consultants, and contractors who are involved in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of MDSHA facilities on how to develop, implement, and evaluate Transportation Management Plans (TMPs). The guidelines include appendices such as a maintenance of traffic red flag summary form, a summary of work zone impact management strategies, and guidance on developing public information and outreach plans.

  • TMP Guidelines Table of Contents (PDF 29KB)
  • TMP Guidelines (PDF 163KB)
  • Maintenance of Traffic Red Flag Summary (PDF 23KB) - Red flags are meant to identify locations that may entail additional study coordination; creative management, design or construction approaches; or increased right-of-way or construction costs. The maintenance of traffic red flag summary shall include an identification of existing barriers that may affect safety and mobility during construction.
  • Summary of Work Zone Impact Management Strategies (PDF 69KB) - This document provides definitions of work zone impact management strategies, many specific to MDSHA, and is intended to be a reference for selecting work zone management strategies.
  • Public Information and Outreach Plans Development Guidance (PDF 165KB) - Provides guidance on developing public information and outreach plans and information such as potential strategies, possible stakeholders and interested parties, sample goals and measures of effectiveness, and the process for establishing a public information and outreach effort.
  • Public Information and Outreach Template (PDF 88KB) - To be used to identify the issues and messages, the target audience, budget, message delivery mechanisms, and success factors for MDSHA projects.


California policy states that, "TMPs, including contingency plans, are required for all construction, maintenance, encroachment permit, planned emergency restoration, locally or specially-funded, or other activities on the state highway system. Where several consecutive or linking projects or activities within a region or corridor create a cumulative need for a TMP, the Department coordinates individual TMPs or develops a single interregional TMP." Links to Caltrans TMP development resources are provided below.

  • Transportation Management Planning at Caltrans
  • Fact Sheet - Caltrans Transportation Management Plans Reduce
    Work Zone Congestion (HTML, PDF 158KB)
  • Caltrans Deputy Directive 60 - Transportation Management Plans (PDF 156KB)
  • Transportation Management Plan Guidelines (May 2004) (DOC 156KB)
  • Delay Calculation Sample (Excel 41KB)
  • Lane Closure Holiday Restrictions table (DOC 44KB)
  • Lane Requirement Chart Sample (DOC 40KB)
  • Lane Closure Chart information (Part of Caltrans' training course) (PPT 908KB)

Virginia DOT

The Virginia DOT has developed a document outlining TMP development requirements for all projects. This document provides guidelines to be used by Project Managers, Roadway Designers, Traffic Engineers, Work Zone Safety Coordinators, and Public Affairs Managers pertaining to acquiring the information to develop TMPs. It also contains guidance on each Project Team member's role and responsibilities in the development of TMPs, and guidance to Project Managers on VDOT's TMP requirements based on the project's level of complexity.

  • Virginia DOT TMP Requirements (PDF 116KB)

Missouri DOT

Missouri DOT has developed a TMP Strategy Database to aid in the selection of work zone management strategies and development of TMPs in a more systematic way for its road projects. The TMP Strategy Database is an Access database that returns possible appropriate work zone management strategies based on user inputs. The database is organized around four major triggers (project goals) focusing on time concerns, public impact, location, and traffic flow. Under each area, users can select options such as "short-term project" or "concerns for worker safety" and the system will then display the possible strategies that will meet the goals of each project. The strategies are accompanied by additional pertinent information, such as whether increased enforcement or public information is needed. MoDOT said it intends to use the TMP Database at the very beginning of work zone planning in order to choose the most effective methods from the start, with re-evaluation occurring in the design stage. Construction personnel will also be able to use the program to find a solution if concerns arise while the work zone is in operation. As part of TMP development and documentation, MoDOT is writing an executive summary that describes the project, identifies whether it is a significant project, and describes the TMP strategies that will be implemented for the project. These summaries will be attached to the output from the database.

The database was developed by the Work Zone Quality Circle, MoDOT's work zone management task force, and is based on the work zone management strategies matrix found in Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans for Work Zones.


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Office of Operations