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USGS Represented in Local Parade in Woods Hole, MA

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Above: Sandy Baldwin, who works at the USGS Woods Hole Science Center, playing the drum in the Johnny Rotten Day parade in Woods Hole, MA.

Woods Hole, MA, is known for its many local festivals and town activities. Johnny Rotten Day is a day of remembrance for Woods Hole postmaster John Klink. Though John affected a gruff, uncaring attitude, his facade was transparent, and his love of the town was returned by all who knew him. Begun in 1995 when John retired, the festival is a gathering of locals playing Celtic music and bag pipes, sharing good food, and enjoying good company. The Brian Boru Pipe Band, from Falmouth, is a frequent contributor to the Johnny Rotten Day festivities, playing arrangements of Irish pipe music in his honor. Sandy Baldwin, from the USGS Woods Hole Science Center, is a new member of the band; she plays bass and tenor drums.

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Woods Hole Field Center
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Woods Hole, MA

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USGS Represented in Parade

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)