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USGS Monterey Bay Science: A Knowledge Bank Prototype

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The Knowledge Management project of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program has just completed the first prototype of a Coastal and Marine Knowledge Bank, called after its World Wide Web address, which is This geographically based prototype highlights the wealth of USGS data, information, and knowledge about the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and its associated coastal watersheds. is based on several components, or tools:

  • News—stories relevant to Monterey Bay in the monthly internal USGS newsletter Sound Waves
  • Digital Library—online scientific information from the USGS and other sources
  • Field Data Catalog—information about USGS field activities and data, including bathymetry, gravity, magnetics, navigation, samples, and seismic data
  • Map Server—an interactive map tool with base maps, sidescan-sonar imagery, bathymetry, topography, coastal data, geology, navigation data, sediment samples, and shaded relief
  • Bibliography—selected publications by USGS authors and collaborators, 1970-2004. Many citations include links to the USGS Publications Warehouse. development began in June 2003 as part of the CMG Knowledge Management project, which is described on the CMG Knowledge Management Web page. The nationwide team developing includes Alan Allwardt (Santa Cruz, CA), Theresa Burress (St. Petersburg, FL), Carolyn Degnan (Menlo Park, CA), Trent Faust (St. Petersburg, FL), Gerry Hatcher (Santa Cruz, CA), Heather Henkel (St. Petersburg, FL), Dennis Krohn (St. Petersburg, FL), Fran Lightsom (Woods Hole, MA), Guthrie Linck (Woods Hole, MA), Valerie Paskevich (Woods Hole, MA), Rex Sanders (Santa Cruz, CA), Jolene Shirley (St. Petersburg, FL), and Clint Steele (Menlo Park, CA). The team coordinated its efforts with other USGS national knowledge-management efforts, including The National Map, the Enterprise Web Thesaurus, and the Publications Warehouse.

Over the next year, Rex Sanders will work with partners in the Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC) to evaluate the usefulness of this prototype for a wide range of uses and to explore opportunities for collaboration on knowledge management.

The CMG Knowledge Management project just started work on a second prototype that will focus on the national topic of coastal-change hazards, to be described in a future issue of Sound Waves.

Related Web Sites
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
CMG Knowledge Management
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
The National Map
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Enterprise Web Thesaurus
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USGS Publications Warehouse
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Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC)

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)