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Iraq Higher Education Program

(202) 712-4320



May 29, 2003

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched an initiative to establish partnerships between U.S and Iraqi colleges and universities to invigorate and modernize Iraq's institutions of higher education. This program will facilitate the dispersal of development resources and technical expertise to Iraq's universities and technical colleges, and engage Iraqi higher education administrators, faculty and students in the revitalization of the substance and process of Iraq's higher education system.


The Higher Education Program will compliment USAID's primary and secondary education programs in Iraq by establishing activities that focus on the following:
  • Promotion of national, regional and international partnerships and fostering of intellectual diversity and growth.
  • Introduction of innovative subject material and new courses to develop the quality of higher education in Iraq and to prepare Iraqi youth for leadership and employment in a competitive market economy.
  • Introduction of modern administrative practices that orient higher education institutions to the demands of the market.
  • Provision of rapid impact grants to enable Iraqi colleges and universities to replace antiquated equipment and rehabilitate educational facilities and libraries.

This twelve-month program, with the possibility for two one-year extensions, will be issued to up to six U.S colleges, universities, or higher education consortia, each responsible for partnerships with specific Iraqi institutions. Recipients will facilitate higher education development by providing targeted technical assistance and training; grants management, monitoring and oversight. This program will assist all eligible institutions of higher education in Iraq.

Possible Fields of Work

Possible areas of work will include:
  • Essential education, health and other social services (e.g., preventive health, medicine, water and sanitation, teacher training etc.)
  • Expansion of economic opportunities (e.g., management, marketing, economics, trade, agro-industry, archaeological research, etc.)
  • Growth and maintenance of economically critical infrastructure (e.g., civil engineering, water, power, agriculture, etc.)
  • Efficiency and accountability of government (e.g., public administration, law, administration of justice, etc.).

For more information on USAID's humanitarian relief efforts in Iraq, please visit

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.

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Wed, 18 Jun 2003 21:30:23 -0500