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Air Permits

Air Permits Quick Finder

New Source Review

The New Source Review (NSR) permitting program was established as part of the 1977 Clean Air Act Amendments. Under this program, stationary sources of air pollution are required to obtain an air permit before commencing construction or making certain modifications. The permit specifies what air pollution control devices must be used, what emission limits must be met, and how the facility must be operated.

There are three types of NSR permitting requirements. A source may have to obtain one or more of the following:

  1. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit - PSD permits are required for new major sources or major modifications to major sources in an attainment area. PSD permits may be issued by EPA or by state and local permitting authorities.
  2. Nonattainment NSR permit - Nonattainment NSR permits are required for new major sources or major modifications to major sources in a nonattainment area. These permits are generally issued by state and local permitting authorities.

  3. Minor source permit - Minor NSR is for pollutants from stationary sources that do not require PSD or nonattainment NSR permits. Minor NSR permits often contain permit conditions to limit the source's emissions to avoid PSD or nonattainment NSR. Minor NSR permits are issued by state and local permitting authorities according to programs approved by EPA.

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