Delta Research And Global Observation Network (DRAGON)

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Global Systems

  • Coastal Global Terrestrial Observing System (C-GTOS) is an important resource for information on coastal systems. Coasts are among the most significant areas in the world and one of the most sensitive to change.

  • International Crane Foundation works to conserve cranes and their critical breeding and migratory areas. Cranes depend on wetland and grassland ecosystems for survival. 

  • Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) aims to provide science that contributes towards understanding the Earth system. Researchers investigate the interaction of global change and local pressures which determine coastal change.

  • The Nature Conservancy Great Rivers Partnership is a cooperative effort among a wide array of partners dedicated to the conservation of the world's great river systems for the benefit of the people and the species that depend upon them for life.

  • UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Programme synthesizes, analyzes and disseminates global biodiversity knowledge and provides authoritative, strategic and timely information for decision-making.  

  • UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme assists in the preparation of case studies in countries around the world in order to highlight the state of water resources where different physical, climatic and socio-economic conditions prevail.

  • World Deltas Network works to further knowledge about integrated science and ecosystem-based management in river-delta-ocean systems, focusing on deltas as key components, indicators, and integrators.

  • World Water and Climate Atlas is hosted by the International Water Management Institute. The site provides access to global climate data from approximately 30,000 weather stations for the period 1961-1990.

Individual Rivers/Regions

Delta Research and Global Observation Network (DRAGON)