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APPENDIX 2: Inactive TE-045 Projects


Region State Project Project Cost Financing Tool (as planned) Improvement Type Status
1 1 VT Chittenden County Circumferential Highway 30,000 AC Construction of beltway segment Project is on hold, pending prioritization by the State.
2 3 DE Churchman's Crossing, formerly Metroform Partnership 30,000 FM Construction of commuter rail station Project only in planning stages; scope of improvements is under consideration. State legislation will be required for PPP aspect of project.
3 4 AL U.S. 280 Birmingham 400,000 Bond Construction of toll road Project is in EIS/MIS stage. Project specifications remain uncertain.
4 4 SC Conway Bypass 430,000 Bond & 129 w/ PPP Highway construction Project is on hold pending determination of a new financing plan. Bond referendum for sales tax to back local county bonds was rejected.
5 8 CO Powers Boulevard, Colorado Springs 353,000 FM Construction of grade-separated freeway Project is on hold due to shortage of obligational authority. State is also seeking additional private contributions.
6 4 GA I-575 Landscaping 12 None Landscaping Due to its low cost, project is being pursued without Federal funds.
7 1 NY Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge 40,000 Undefined Bridge redecking Project is no longer being pursued due to a lack of funding.
8 1 NY 1000 Islands and Massena Brdg 263 Undefined Undefined No funds identified for this project.
9 5 MI I-75 / Holly Road Interchange 5,160 FM & Tap Reconstruction of interchange Project is being pursued without Federal funds.
10 6 LA Economic Feasibility Study 350 FM Economic feasibility study Project is on hold pending identification of funding source.
11 6 LA Ruston Frontage Road 2,000 129 Access improvements Discontinued early in TE-045 process; alternative funding arrangements pursued.
12 7 AR US 71 210,000 129 Highway construction Discontinued.
13 8 MT US 93/Reserve Street 21,500 Tap Highway widening Discontinued early in TE-045 process.
14 9 AZ Rest Area Studies 150 Inc Gen Study Project is on indefinite hold.
Total 1,522,435

Source: FHWA survey data and independent telephone interviews (May - June 1996).


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