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EPA-NOAA Form Partnership to Work on Coastal Community Development

Populations and built environments in coastal watersheds are growing rapidly, with 55 percent of the U.S. population already living within 50 miles of the coasts. The environmental impacts of development directly affect the ability of communities to balance natural resource protection with sustainable economic growth in their decision-making. The pressures of coastal growth profoundly affect the ability of NOAA and EPA to achieve national goals for sustainable management of coastal resources and protection of human health and the environment. This challenge has been highlighted in the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy's report, which calls for improvements in program planning, coordination, and implementation to more effectively manage coastal growth.

One key approach to addressing this challenge must be more integrated and coordinated partnerships among all levels of government. In January 2005, EPA and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) agreed to work together to help coastal communities grow in ways that benefit the economy, public health, and the environment. The two agencies signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that created a formal partnership between the two agencies supporting state and local development innovations. The EPA-NOAA partnership will provide: training for local government staff and officials; outreach and education on successful policies, ordinances, and initiatives; and assessments of local development rules and policies.


The projects fall into three broad categories: Policy Development and Research, Tools and Technical Assistance, and Outreach and Education. EPA and NOAA are focusing on four priority projects detailed below. An additional six projects have been identified that EPA and NOAA will work on as time and resources allow.

  1. Community technical assistance to support local development efforts
  2. Policy analysis
  3. Promote university-based technical assistance and feedback via Sea Grant
  4. Develop and deliver training for state and local government officials

Click here for the complete description of the EPA-NOAA projects.

EPA's Office of Water and Office of Policy, Economics, and Innovation will collaborate with NOAA to implement the MOA.

Read the one-page summary on the EPA-NOAA Partnership on Coastal Community Growth (PDF) (1 pp, 11 K, About PDF)

Read the complete memorandum of agreement between EPA and NOAA (PDF) (10 pp, 30 K, About PDF)

For more information on the EPA-NOAA Partnership, please contact Lynn Richards (richards.lynn@epa.gov) in EPA at 202-566-2858, or Jim Murray (jim.d.murray@noaa.gov) in NOAA at 301-713-2431 ext. 152.


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