Figures 1 through 8 are listed below:


    1. Classification hierarchy of wetlands and deepwater habitats, showing Systems, Sub-
      systems, and Classes. The Palustrine System does not include deepwater habitats

    2. Distinguishing features and examples of habitats in the Marine System.

    3. Distinguishing features and examples of habitats in the Estuarine System.

    4. Distinguishing features and examples of habitats in the Riverine System.

    5. Distinguishing features and examples of habitats in the Lacustrine System.

    6. Distinguishing features and examples of habitats in the Palustrine System.

    7. Ecoregions of the United States after Bailey (1976) with the addition of 10 Marine
      and Estuarine Provinces proposed in our classification.

    8. Comparison of the Water Chemistry Subclasses of Stewart and Kantrud (1972) with
      Water Chemistry Modifiers used in the present classification system.