Geophysical logging truck and equipment.

A photo of our USGS logging truck


The logging truck has a 5,700 foot depth capacity with 4-conductor cable, and a full suite of conventional logging probes.


A photo of some of the compartments of the logging truck                        A photo showing the inside of the logging truck


The high-resolution

Heat-Pulse Flowmeter

can measure flow as low

as .01 gallons per minute.

A photo of the Heat-pulse flowmeter





The Acoustic Televiewer

is used to identify fractures

and breakouts in a well.

A photo of Barbara Corland with the Acoustic 
  Televiewer in Birney, MT 2002



A photo of the logging truck operations in Questa, NM

The logging truck with rotating boom being positioned over a borehole; logging can be completed without any other support facilities.


A photo of USGS employees preforming field work in Everglades, FL

Well development prior to flowmeter logging; many logs are most effective under specific borehole conditions, so that proper conditioning of boreholes and recording borehole conditions during logging are important steps in effective borehole geophysics.