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September 20, 2008 | Front Page

Officials devise a desperate plan to save the economy

Questions remain about whether the government-intervention proposal into financial markets will actually work.
• Ariz. economy relies on bailout | Dow rockets to 370

McCain's negative ads could backfire

For years, Sen. John McCain has enjoyed an image any politician would covet, that of a high-minded, likable maverick with a reputation for putting the good of the country over partisan politics and always exuding a sense of honor even in the midst of intense campaigning.
• Campaign 'ugliest in recent memory' | Ads, candidate claims

Monsoon brings uninvited guests: Mosquitoes

Moisture provides plenty of pest breeding grounds.

Google pulls out of Valley; tech-job hopes left unfulfilled

Nearly three years after Google Inc., said it was coming to town with great fanfare, the wildly popular Internet search engine company is shuttering a satellite Tempe office.
• Arizona's economic indicators

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Laurie Roberts
Fall's new dramas (no need for a TV)
At long last, it's here. That most anticipated time of the year when we are treated to an exciting new season of new shows, new plotlines and the same old bad actors.

Clay Thompson
Your scent, temperature, diet play roles in enticing mosquitoes
Today's question: In a single night my little brother and I can get up to 10 mosquito bites regardless of how much repellent we put on. However, my sister, who sleeps in the same room as I do, has none, even without the repellent. Why do mosquitoes like me and my brother so much?

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