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Embassy Highlights

U.S. Embassy Consul Discusses Elections with Students of Journalism

As part of the Embassy's Speakers Bureau program, Consul Abigail Aronson visited the Department of Journalism at the University of Tirana on November 7, 2008, to discuss the recent election in the United States.  Ms. Aronson presented an overview of the U.S. electoral process, including the U.S. Embassy's role in assisting U.S. citizens abroad to vote, before opening the program for the students to ask questions of interest to them.  She discussed with the students a wide range of issues including the role of journalists in context of an evolving media environment, how the professional and political experiences of the presidential candidates might have affected voters' perceptions, and charges of media bias in election coverage.

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador John L. Withers II at U.S. Election Breakfast

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for attending and sharing with us a very special day, the day after the elections of 2008.
I want to thank the American Chamber of Commerce for hosting, arranging this event in conjunction with the American Embassy.  I would like to take a little privilege and I would like to speak to you less as the American Ambassador to Albania than as an American citizen and a voter.  Today is a very special day for America and for Americans. The elections results of last night have declared Barack Obama to be the president-elect and have changed the direction of American history. (full remarks)

(Photos of the Event)

Amb. Withers (center) with President Bamir Topi (right) at the Election Breakfast. (Photo: Robert Manga, PAS)Election Event Draws Major Media Attention

“Election Breakfast 2008,” co-hosted by the U.S. Embassy and the American Chamber of Commerce in Albania drew intense attention by Albanian TV outlets with an estimated viewership of up to 500,000.  Over 15 TV crews attended the 3-hour event and two of them broadcast Ambassador Withers’ remarks live.  In an event that brought together politicians, business, media, and civil society representatives, Withers commented, “Senator, now President-elect Barack Obama - an African American who had the audacity to hope.  A choice was made between two fine Americans on the basis of issues, of programs, of ideas, and America preferred the one over the other without disrespect to the person who lost the race.”  The event highlighted the significance the Mission attaches to democratic processes and mutual understanding.

 Embassy Speaker's Bureau: Vice Consul Visits Shkoder

 On the 4th of November, Vice Consul Matt Wall traveled to Vice Consul Matt Wall invited at TV1 Shkoderthe northern city of Shkoder and participated in a 30 minute panel discussion on TV1’s program “Eureka” discussing the 2008 United States Presidential Election.  Participating in the event was program moderator Blerti Delija, the Prefect of Shkoder (Prefekt i Qarkut Shkoder), Maxhid Cungu, and Aleksander Lacaj, Executive Director of the Albanian-American Center for Information and Cooperation.  The live televised discussion provided insightful commentary on the American electoral process and helped educate viewers in the northern viewing region about American perspectives of the Election Day process.  Having Matt participate in the televised discussion also provided an excellent opportunity for Embassy outreach in the northern area of Albania. The show was aired live Tuesday evening at 1600 from TV1 studios and re-aired four additional times later that evening.

Embassy Officer Explains U.S. Election Process for Koha TV Audience

Commercial Economic Officer Vic Myev was a guest speaker on Koha TV on election night.  In a prerecorded interview, Myev explained the complex U.S. presidential election process, the role of the Electoral College, campaign contributions and what happens between Election Day and inauguration. Myev shared with the audience his belief that the policy on Albania and the entire region will not change, no matter who emerges President-elect. His message to the Albanian audience was “… an election gives all of the citizens a chance to change their government. In a democracy get the democracy they deserve. So if you are willing to sit back and let somebody else tell you what government you deserve than that’s what you will get. … People have to be involved, they have to understand the issues and they have to know what is best for their children and their country and they have to act.”

Albanian Reporter Gets First-hand Taste of U.S. Elections

Major center-left Gazeta Shqiptare editor Anila Basha, on a weeklong Foreign Press Center election tour, continuously reported live for the affiliated news station News24 from Missouri, Iowa and Illinois. She gave to the Albanian audience a firsthand account of the election atmosphere, expectations from both electoral camps, and comments and assessments from internationally recognized pollsters. Additionally, Basha wrote for her daily two editorials “The Fight for Missouri” and “Waiting for Obama,” presenting a thorough analysis of the Obama and McCain campaigns for Missouri and Illinois, with a view on the dynamics of support over the months and youth involvement. The closing report from Chicago came on the election night. Basha reported by phone to News24 on the voting process and the incandescent atmosphere in the hometown of now President-elect Barack Obama.

U.S. Embassy Facilitates Voting

In the weeks leading up to the elections on November 4, 2008, citizens who expected to be away from their polling district on Election Day could visit the Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy for assistance to register to vote in their home states and to request absentee ballots for the election.  For registered voters who requested ballots, but did not receive them in time, the Consular Section also offered Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots, which could be used to vote for President and Vice President, Senators, and Congressional Representatives.  The Embassy offered complimentary courier service for all ballots received by our Voting Assistance Officer, Abigail Aronson, and the staff of the Consular Section in time to meet all states' absentee voting deadlines.

U.S. Election Historic - Albania Should Double Election Efforts

On November 3, Ambassador John Withers spoke live from his residence to Albanian viewers of top-rated Top Channel across Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Western Europe and the U.S. Appearing on popular show “Shqip” (Albanian), Withers said, “No matter who is the next president of the United States, he will be a friend of Albania.” Asked to send a message to Albanian-Americans, Withers said, “It would be a very big mistake for people with the right to vote not to exercise that right…as a citizen of the U.S., in the voting booth, you are alone with your choice of who will be the leader of the U.S. Believe me, there is no greater feeling than that.” Focusing on Albania's June 2009 election preparations, Withers said the country should double its efforts to prepare the best elections ever, “…now, hopefully, as a full member of NATO.” Following lengthy delays in election preparations in Albania, the Ambassador reiterated the importance of appropriate measures to ensure that “…this election meets the highest international standards.”

Deputy Chief of Mission Meets New Director of Albanian State Police Academy

On November 4, Deputy Chief of Mission Steve Cristina, ICITAP Program Manager Darrel Hart and ICITAP Academy Advisor Hauer  met with the newly appointed Director of the Albanian State Police Academy, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, to express their appreciation for the excellent leadership he has demonstrated since taking over the Academy several weeks ago.  The efforts of ICITAP and other international donors to create positive and lasting change within the ASP structures, relies heavily on an effectively administered Academy.  For the first time in many years it appears that a true leader is in place and willing to make the changes necessary to accomplish the goals of professionalizing the entire police service.  DCM Cristina emphasized that the USG will continue to support the ASP efforts through their ICITAP, OPDAT and ROL programs.

Students Discuss Elections with Political Chief

On November 4th, as part of the Embassy's Speaker's Bureau Program, Embassy Political Chief Paul Poletes spoke to over one hundred students from the Center for Public Policy and the Council of Europe's School of Politics during an event held at the Tirana International Hotel.  Mr. Poletes discussed the U.S. presidential elections and highlighted some significant trends and firsts for the 2008 elections, such as the historic nature of the Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton candidacies.  Questions from the students focused on potential changes in U.S. foreign policy after the election and changes in political fundraising in the U.S. 

Follow the Money to Solve the Crime

An interview with Cindy Eldridge, Anti-Corruption Resident Legal Advisor at the Embassy’s DOJ OPDAT program, was the cover story of leading weekly MAPO on Nov 1.  Following mounting speculations in the Albanian media about her role, Eldridge explained to the weekly that she is embedded with the Joint Investigative Unit of the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office.  Eldridge told MAPO she offers technical advice and assistance on a variety of cases that the unit works on.  Speaking on her experience as a federal prosecutor in the U.S., Eldridge said, “Following the money is the key to solving the crime.” Albanian prosecutors are involved in investigations of a series of high profile cases that point to the urgent need to fight corruption in Albania.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State visits Albania

Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Stuart E. Jones, visited Albania on October 29-30, 2008. During his visit Mr. Jones had meetings with governing and with opposition party leadership and influential members of civil society. Accompanied by Ambassador Withers, Mr. Jones met with President Bamir Topi, Prime Minister Sali Berisha, Foreign Minister Lulzim Basha and Defense Minister Oketa, among others. Mr. Jones stressed the U.S/Albanian strong bilateral relationship, noting the recent signature of President Bush of the NATO Accession Protocols as the latest sign for our strong support of Albania.
Please visit this page for Deputy Assistant Secretary Stuart Jones’ biography.

Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary, Stuart Jones at the Chief of Missions Conference, Tirana Albania
Transcript of VOA Albanian Service Interview with Stuart Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Tirana

Embassy Tirana Workshop on "Improving Reporting" for NGOs

On October 30, 2008, the Embassy's Public Affairs Section organized a workshop on transparency and reporting, targeted at the third sector in Albania. Over forty NGO leaders participated in two sessions that addressed the importance of good programmatic and financial reporting, essential for both better accountability within the organization and for external stakeholders, such as civil society, the government, and donors. PAO Bix Aliu underscored the important role the third sector plays in policy formulation and the promotion of civic participation. He noted the importance of independent democratic institutions to a healthy democracy and the role that NGOs play in keeping those institutions in check. PAS staff presented the audience with new standardized forms of reporting and also gave detailed explanations and recommendations on how to compile good reports.  The workshop focused on assisting NGOs by improving credibility, efficacy and transparency of their reporting.

From Dream to Production: How to Make a Documentary

Speaking before nearly 120 journalism students and faculty, Fulbright Senior Specialist Rose Dosti gave a how-to for prospective documentary makers at the Journalism Department of Tirana University.  The lecture went beyond nuts and bolts, however, to focus on the driving force of all documentary film makers: a commitment to relaying the truth.  Rose made the lecture come alive with two elements not commonly used in Albanian universities: personal experience with the production of her documentary, Prison Nation, and a special guest who was featured in the film.  During Rose’s month-long program, she also assisted faculty members with curricula and syllabi revisions and improvements.  Feedback from the Journalism Department indicates great satisfaction with Rose’s contributions and eagerness to host additional Embassy speakers and visitors.

ELF Coleman holds an Academic Writing Workshop at Tirana University

English Language Fellow Celeste Coleman gave an academic writing workshop to nearly 80 first-year journalism students at Tirana University.  The workshop focused on transmitting much-needed skills to the students, who are not taught academic-style writing in their regular study curriculum.  Topics covered during the two-hour seminar included how to structure an argument and improve cohesion, building a solid thesis statement, and using evidence and examples to support one’s points.  Students analyzed several different writing samples of varying quality, and by the end of the workshop were able to identify the components that make up a strong piece of writing, and to offer suggestions for improvement of low-quality writing.  At the end of the seminar, students were given a “checklist for good writing” that they can consult throughout their academic careers.

Embassy Officer Anthony Baird visits the American Corner in Kukes

Under the auspices of the Embassy's Speaker's Bureau Program, Political/Military Officer Anthony Baird traveled to the remote and northern town of Kukes where he spoke to over 100 high school and university students at the American Corner on October 29, 2008.  Local authorities and representatives of the Municipality were present at this event as well.  Mr. Baird talked about the U.S. Presidential elections and the different options that people have to vote for example: how to vote early or absentee.  In addition, Mr. Baird explained how these elections will bring the 44th President of the United States, and how voters will select the 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 33 Senators, and 11 Governors.  The event ended with a questions/answer session where students asked questions about the U.S. elections, U.S. foreign policy in the Balkans after the elections, and the global financial crisis.

Information Resource Center Provides Information on U.S. Election 2008

The IRC of the U.S. Embassy received two scholars interested in U.S. Elections 2008 and the history and development of U.S. -Albanian  relations.  Open to public and now fully functional, the Information Center has numerous resources available for the Albanian audience.  The on-line databases such as Factiva, Lexis-Nexis are available for the visitors to use for their research.  The U.S. elections are a topic of interest and the IRC has received a lot of walk-in visitors, those who are interested in candidate’s profiles, the U.S. Electoral college and official statements of both candidates.

President George W. Bush is joined by NATO Secretary General Jaap De Hoop Scheffer as he addresses his remarks to invited guests Friday, Oct. 24, 2008 in the East Room of the White House, prior to signing the NATO accession protocols in support of the nations of Albania and Croatia to join the NATO alliance. White House photo by Chris Greenberg President Bush Participates in Signing Ceremony with NATO Secretary General De Hoop Scheffer for NATO Accession Protocols for Albania and Croatia

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Secretary General, it's good to have you here in the White House. SECRETARY GENERAL DE HOOP SCHEFFER: Thank you, Mr. President.
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you for your steadfast leadership and your courage. Ambassadors, thank you for joining us. The ambassador of Croatia and Albania are here for a special reason. Congressman Engel -- I think he's here. (Laughter.) Right in front of us. Congressman, we are so honored you have taken time to be here. Deputy Secretary England, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, thank you for coming. Ambassadors, members of the administration, members of the Diplomatic Corps, friends of freedom: Welcome, we are glad you're here. This is a special moment in the hopeful story of human liberty, as America formally declares its support for Albania and Croatia's entry into NATO. (full remarks)

Immunity Should be Removed for all Officials

On October 27, Shekulli daily ran a front-page interview with Melissa Schraibman, head of the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training at the U.S. Embassy in Tirana. Ms. Schraibman noted that it is imperative that prosecutors possess the power and independence to conduct thorough, fair, and apolitical investigations.  OPDAT was created in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice in 1991 in response to the growing threat of international crime. OPDAT's mission is to assist prosecutors and judicial personnel in other countries develop and sustain effective criminal justice institutions.  The OPDAT-Albania program began in 1999, and focuses particularly on fighting corruption, organized crime, narcotics, and human trafficking.

Deputy Chief of Mission Urges Gerdec Investigation to be Carried Out in a Professional Manner

On October 24, in an interview which appeared in major circulation Shekulli daily, Deputy Chief of Mission Steve Cristina spoke of his family's experience with Hurricane Katrina in his hometown of New Orleans and the U.S. government response to the tragedy.  He also touched upon the Gerdec explosion and urged that the investigation to be carried out in a professional manner. "My first feeling was great sympathy for the victims and their families. I had lived through something similar and saw ordinary citizens suffering through no fault of their own...I am confident that the only way there will be justice in Albania is if the case is carried to its end." Mr. Cristina explained.

Learning from the Enron Debacle

On October 23, prosecutors, judicial police, and journalists gathered at the US Embassy for a premiere screening of the documentary, "Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room."  Sponsored jointly by OPDAT, ICITAP, and Public Affairs, the showing was intended to stimulate thinking about how law enforcement officials and journalists can stop or prevent fraud simply by caring enough to ask questions.  Public Affairs obtained the DVD, along with permission from Magnolia Pictures for the showing, ICITAP provided translation for the Albanian subtitles, and OPDAT led a post-film discussion on the people and methods that finally brought Enron's top officers to justice.

Come to the U.S. Embassy in Tirana to Meet America!

The U.S. Embassy in Tirana invites your high school or university group to the Embassy to meet with American Embassy Diplomats and listen to presentations on various aspects of American culture, U.S. history, education, economics, U.S./Albanian relations and U.S. foreign policy. In addition, the Meet America Program provides your group the opportunity to meet American officers face-to-face and learn about their impressions about living and working in Albania and their careers as diplomats. (more)

U.S Embassy Tirana Announces the New Speaker's Bureau Program


The U.S. Mission in Albania will send an American diplomat to speak to your group, school, college or university and allow you the chance to hear from an American first-hand on topics of interest. We want to acquaint you with American culture and values and allow you to meet Americans who live and work in Albania. The Embassy Speakers Bureau program offers audiences from all walks of life the opportunity to hear presentations, ask questions about American foreign policies, and political and cultural life, and exchange opinions with the American guest on a topic of mutual interest. (more)

Our Information Resource Center is Open to the Public

The U.S. Embassy Information Resource Center (IRC) is a research and reference service for government officials, journalists, researchers, scholars and others with a professional interest in the United States.  It's areas of expertise include U.S. politics, society and culture; U.S. federal and state legislation, laws and regulations; International relations, security, defense and stability etc.  The Information Resource Center collections include online databases, an up-to-date reference collection, recent U.S. government documents and think tank reports and access to American periodicals. (more)

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