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State VR Agencies, ENs and Employers

Information for Employment Networks (ENs)
Information for Vocational Rehabilitation State Agencies
Information for Employers

Information for Employment Networks (ENs)
An EN has the unique opportunity to get paid for helping Social Security beneficiaries achieve their work goals.

What is an EN?
How does the Ticket Program work?
How to become an EN
Where to learn about the EN payment structure
Information for VR State Agencies
Information for Employers

What is an EN?
An EN in an organizational entity (State or local, public or private) that enters into a contract with SSA with the intention of coordinating and delivering employment services, VR services, and/or other support services under the Ticket to Work Program. These services are provided by the EN to SSA beneficiaries who have assigned their Tickets to the EN which has accepted the Ticket.

An EN may be either a single entity or a partnership of organizations combining their resources into a single entity. An EN may provide services necessary to prepare and place beneficiaries in employment, either directly or be entering into contracts with other providers of such services. You can become an EN by completing the EN RFP.

For more information about ENs, please read the EN Handbook.

Recorded Teleconference: A teleconference conducted jointly by CESSI and MAXIMUS, SSA’s Operations Support Manager, provided information about important changes in the Ticket to Work regulations. Although this teleconference was targeted for current ENs, entities considering becoming an EN will also find the information useful. Visit:

Webinars: In July, SSA and CESSI partnered with Cornell University to conduct two highly successful
webinars which are now accessible in an archived format. You may download the webinar, read the
transcripts, or download the presentations for "Ticket 101" and the "EN Payment Process" at

Podcast: If you prefer listening to a 25 minute podcast, check out the Ticket toPodcast: If you prefer listening to a 25 minute podcast, check out the Ticket to Work episode of “Disability Law Lowdown” at

How does the Ticket Program work?
Under the Ticket to Work program, SSA may issue a Ticket to a beneficiary, who in turn may "assign" that Ticket to any EN of the beneficiary's choice that is serving under the Ticket Program and is willing to accept the "assignment." ENs may select the beneficiaries with whom they will work/accept assignment of Tickets. An EN can grow their bottom line with the payments from these successful outcomes. (The best part is that SSA permits discretionary flexible utilization of revenue when you help beneficiaries obtain and retain employment.)

How to become an EN
The link to the Employment Network Request for Proposal (EN RFP) is in the Quick Links section of this page. However, before submitting your application, please visit the ENFAQ page to learn about what must be done before you apply.

Where to learn about the EN payment structure
Follow these links to learn more about EN Payment Systems and amounts or visit the Employment Network Payment Activity Report for latest statistical information and dollar amounts SSA paid to ENs.

Information for VR State Agencies
SSA pays Vocational Rehabilitation State Agencies for the cost of the services they furnish to people receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments based on disability or blindness if certain conditions are met. The services must result in the individual’s return to work for at least nine continuous months at a substantial earnings level, which is referred to as substantial gainful activity. For more information about the earnings levels visit our web site at:

State VR Agencies are the only programs authorized by law and automatically approved to provide services to beneficiaries under the Ticket to Work Program without becoming an EN. Visit the VR Reimbursement Claims Processing page for latest statistical information and dollar amounts SSA has paid to State VR agencies for services.

Recorded Teleconference: In July, SSA and CESSI, SSA’s Recruitment and Outreach Manager, partnered with the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) to conduct a teleconference on the changes to the Ticket to Work regulations. This teleconference explored the new Partnership Plus option and how it could benefit both Employment Networks (ENs) and VR agencies as they work to meet the employment and training needs of Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities. Visit:

Information for Employers

There are many ways employers can become involved in Ticket to Work. They can also obtain more information learn more about the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) for Employers Hiring Certain Qualified Social Security Beneficiaries. In addition, the Employer Assistance & Recruitment Networks EARN are designed to assist employers with recruitment and informational resources that will connect them to Employment Service Providers, including ENs, who have access to job-ready candidates in their community.
Below are some additional links with helpful information for employers:

Do's and Don’ts of Hiring Persons with Disabilities

Department of Labor's information on hiring people with Disabilities

Information on Federal Employment of People with Disabilities

Employer Resources for Hiring People with Disabilities

Myths and Facts About People with Disabilities
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Mental Illness:  Myths and Facts

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Last reviewed or modified Monday Nov 03, 2008
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