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Dutch Consul Meets with USGS Scientists in Florida

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Arend C. Gouw, Dutch Consul and Deputy Head of Mission for the Netherlands Consulate General in Miami, Florida, and his assistant Eva Roepers met with scientists Gordon Anderson and Karen Balentine from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on February 6, 2008. Mr. Pex Langenberg, a senior Dutch representative from the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management based at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C., was interested in visiting the Everglades to view and discuss Everglades science before a March 4, 2008, technical session to which the USGS had been invited. At the February 6 meeting, it was arranged that Anderson, Balantine, and Dutch interns Bram Zonder and Rene de Groot would assist with a field tour in Everglades National Park on February 29.

Eva Roeper, Karen Balentine, Gordon Anderson, Arend Gouw,  Bram Zonder, Rene de Groot Pex Langenberg and Dan Kimball
Above left: USGS scientists and Dutch students meet with Arend Gouw at the Netherlands Consulate General in Miami, Florida. From left to right, Eva Roeper (staff, Miami Dutch Consulate), Karen Balentine (Jacobs Technology employee contracted to the USGS and Everglades National Park), Gordon Anderson (USGS employee at Everglades National Park), Arend Gouw (Dutch Consul, Miami Dutch Consulate), and Bram Zonder and Rene de Groot (Dutch student interns with USGS at Everglades National Park). [larger version]

Above right: During a February 29 visit to Everglades National Park, Pex Langenberg (right)—representative of the Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management—receives an overview of Everglades restoration and science from park superintendent Dan Kimball. Photograph by Gordon Anderson. [larger version]

The mission of the Dutch Consulate in Miami is to assist Dutch companies in working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the South Florida Water Management District; however, the Dutch government is also interested in academic exchange with scientific programs both governmental and educational (for example, ongoing collaborations between Delft Hydraulics and Delft University of Technology personnel and USGS scientists). Mr. Gouw has requested further contact with the USGS, especially in Everglades National Park, where Gordon Anderson has been running a highly successful internship program for international students—many of them from the Netherlands—for several years. (For example, see "Students from the Netherlands Assist USGS Staff in Florida," Sound Waves, November 2004.)

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Students from the Netherlands Assist USGS Staff in Florida
November 2004

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Updated April 21, 2008 @ 02:55 PM (JSS)