Archived Information

The State of Charter Schools Third-Year Report — May 1999

Executive Summary

What sets charter schools apart from other public schools is their charter — a contract with a state or local agency that provides the school with public funds for a specified time. This contract frees charter schools from a number of regulations that otherwise apply to public schools. In exchange, the charter schools are accountable for improving student performance and achieving goals set out in the charter.

This Third-Year Report of the National Study of Charter Schools provides descriptive information on charter schools that were operating in the 1997-98 school year. Subsequent reports of the National Study will address broad policy issues concerning the charter school movement and its potential effects on America's system of public education.

Growth Trends: The charter movement continued to expand in 1998

Characteristics of Charter Schools: Most charter schools are newly created, small schools. The charter schools that opened during 1997-98 were more likely to be newly-created, small schools than charter schools opening in prior years.

Students of Charter Schools: Nationwide, students in charter schools have similar demographic characteristics to students in all public schools. However, charter schools in some states serve significantly higher percentages of minority or economically disadvantaged students.

The Founding of Charter Schools: Most charter schools aim to realize an alternative vision of schooling.

Challenges Implementing Charter Schools: Practically all charter schools have had to overcome obstacles during their development.

Autonomy and Accountability: Charter schools, particularly newly created ones, have considerable autonomy. They provide standard financial and student achievement reports to different constituencies depending on the state's approach to accountability.

1New York enacted charter legislation in December 1998.
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