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A Study of Charter Schools: First Year Report - May 1997

IV. Why Charter Schools Are Started and What Barriers They Encounter

Who starts charter schools? What motivates charter developers to found charter schools? What barriers do they encounter during implementation? To address these questions, this chapter draws on both responses to the telephone survey questions and qualitative data gathered in the field.41 The research team visited 42 of the estimated 93 charter schools that were in operation by the end of the 1994-95 school year.42 These schools were selected within each of five states at random within the following categories: grade level, school size, and the schools' status as newly created or pre-existing. By selecting within categories, we have tried to eliminate unknown sources of bias that might prejudice the empirical findings toward some conclusion. Throughout this chapter, we will use examples from the fieldwork to impart a sense of the reality and variability of charter schools.
[Chapter III Summary] [Table of Contents] [Who Originates Charter Schools]