Archived Information

A Study of Charter Schools: First Year Report - May 1997

Notes for Appendices

  1. Appeal allowed only if local board 1) did not comply with procedural requirements in considering proposal or 2) made errors in applying legal requirements for charter approval; if either of these occurs, state board could require local board to reconsider charter proposal.

  2. Charter schools do not have bonding authority and do not receive excess local levy aid.

  3. Hereafter, al data on charter schools refers to data collected from the telephone survey. School size data was available for 223 schools, out of 225 respondents. Data on all public schools was obtained from: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data Survey, 1993-94. Of the 22,252 public schools in the 10 charter states, school size data were not available for 588 schools (2.6%).

  4. Of the 22,252 public schools in the 10 charter states, school level data were not available for 588 schools (2.6%). Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data Survey, 1993-94.

  5. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data Survey, 1993-94.

  6. Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data Survey, 1993-94.

  7. Of the 225 charter schools that responded to the survey, 206 responded to this question in ways that could be coded.

  8. Of the 225 charter schools that responded to the survey, 206 responded to this question in ways that could be coded.

  9. The numbers shown in Exhibit D-3 are factor scores. (See Exhibits 24 and 25). The factor scores are normal standardized data which have no intrinsic substantive meaning. The statistical test for the ANOVA uses the F ratio which is obtained by dividing the between group mean square by the within group mean square. The significance level is obtained by comparing the calculated F value to the F distribution. The last column refers to the significance level for one degree of freedom.

[Appendix D] [Table of Contents]