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Best Values in Education

January 08, 2009

Southern schools ruled the roost in Kiplinger's recent ranking of the best values in public colleges and universities. The financial advice publication ranked public, private, and liberal arts colleges, and published their rankings last month. Among public schools, the University of North Carolina won first place for in-state tuition and aid, the University of Florida came in second, and the University of Virginia third.

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Latest News From the Schools

Battling the Increase in Financial Aid Applications

January 12, 2009

Colleges all over the country are seeing a rise in applications for federal financial aid. In the first half of 2008, millions more students applied for aid, marking a 9% increase from the 2007 data. More and more of those students applying actually qualified for aid. By July of 2008, 800,000 more students had applied for Pell Grants than in 2007.

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Favorite Blogs and Shameless Plugs

January 09, 2009

In an attempt to start the New Year off right, a tip o' the keyboard to some of my fellow bloggers whose musings I read on a very semi-regular basis. While I realize it's hard to imagine any other admissions site being worth your time, there are two I scan periodically.

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Possible Elimination of the FAFSA?

January 07, 2009

With President-elect Barack Obama's inauguration just two weeks away, many are looking forward to the changes he promised during his campaign in 2008. He set specific goals in evolving the college application and attendance process. One specific plan is the American Opportunity Tax Grant. The other is the elimination of the FAFSA.

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Top 5 Tasks that Juniors Need to Do Now

January 07, 2009

As the new year starts, high school juniors can start checking things off on their college app to-do list. Register for standardized tests, visit a college, plan to take SAT subject tests, identify teachers to write your recommendations, and set up an appointment with your guidance counselor. Get ready!

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The Entitled Athlete

January 06, 2009

Professional athletes have long been revered for their on-field heroics, their off-the-field flamboyance, and the larger-than-life persona they project to the fans that support their equally large salaries. From Derek Jeter to Terrell Owens, Lebron James to Adam "Pacman" Jones, and Lance Armstrong to John Daly, today's sports heroes hold great sway over impressionable, young student-athletes.

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The SAT Score Choice Policy -- More Fun for the Same Stress!

January 05, 2009

I generally think the College Board tries to do good in the broad sense, and was probably trying to do so with their not-so-new SAT score choice policy, but I'm hearing so many questions on the issue it seems I'd best talk about it again.

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Ask a Question

I'm a junior in high school. How early can I send in my applications?

January 08, 2009

Dr. Kat, CEO and Founder of ApplyWise.com

You should call your college and ask if they have an early enrollment program. This is for strong juniors who want to skip their senior year of high school and begin college immediately. If you want to take advantage of this unique program, you need to make sure that you have fulfilled your high school's graduation requirements as well as your standardized testing.

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How do I convince my parents that I know which schools are best for me?

January 05, 2009

Dr. Kat, CEO and Founder of ApplyWise.com

Having regular conversations about college with your parents is very important throughout your junior and senior years. Sometimes these discussions may turn into debates or even arguments, and can become a test of willpower. Nevertheless, when the emotions have died down, you should step back and remember that your parents know you very well, in some ways, better than yourself, and it's worth taking their thoughts into consideration, even if you disagree.

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Will colleges accept my application if I missed the deadline?

December 31, 2008

Dr. Kat, CEO and Founder of ApplyWise.com

You should never submit a late application. It is your responsibility to know the deadlines for each of your colleges and submit your application in time; this is the first test of a student's maturity. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances, the college may still accept your application.

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I did an early application, but was rejected. Can I send in another application?

December 30, 2008

Dr. Kat, CEO and Founder of ApplyWise.com

Although it is not a common practice, colleges are increasing the number of early applicants they deny. Although it is tough to receive a denial letter in late December, keep the big picture in mind: this allows a student to focus on second and third choices.

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How Do Schools Look at AP Classes?

December 12, 2008

Dr. Kat, CEO and Founder of ApplyWise.com

I'm a junior in high school and I was wondering if it looks better to colleges if you take an advanced placement class and get a B or if you take an honors class and get an A?

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