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UPDATED: 21 Nov 2008 GMT
  • Ambassador Audrey Glover (center), head of the OSCE Election Observation Mission to the U.S. presidential election speaks to journalists in Washington, D.C., Nov. 5, 2008. (photo: Courtesy Yuri Gripas) OSCE Observers report on U.S. Election

    OSCE election experts called the U.S. election held November 4 “a genuinely democratic vote” that reflected the essential principles of a pluralistic democracy. Observers from 20 OSCE participating States monitored the vote. The OSCE monitors voting in its 56 participating States.

    Also: Report from OSCE PA observers

  • This year's Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM), Europe's largest human rights and democracy conference, was held from September 29 through October 10, 2008. (photo: OSCE/Agnieszka Rembowska) 2008 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting

    The annual HDIM brings together hundreds of government representatives, human rights activists, and international experts from the OSCE region to benchmark progress of governments in meeting their mutually-agreed human rights and democracy commitments. This year Ambassador Pearson led the U.S. delegation to the HDIM.

    Also: OSCE Conference website
  • OSCE military monitoring officers from the Mission to Georgia at a Russian checkpoint, September 2008. (photo: OSCE/David Khizanishvili) U.S. Statements on the Situation in Georgia

    Russia's invasion of Georgia and its recognition of Abkhazian and South Ossetian independence contradicts longstanding support of the international community, including the OSCE's, for Georgia's territorial integrity and violates key principles of the Helsinki Final Act, and risks destabilizing the broader region.

    Also: Update on Georgia Talks in Geneva

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Ambassadors Bernard Fassier (France), Matthew Bryza (U.S.) and Yury Merzlyakov (Russia), the Co-Chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group. (photo: OSCE/Mikhail Evstafiev)

OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs Statements

Logo of U.S. Helsinki Commission

U.S. Helsinki Commission
Compliance with Helsinki Final Act

Julie Finley, Ambassador to the OSCE

"the United States has treated you ... to a front row seat to watch democracy"
At the Permanent Council on November 6, Ambassador Julie Finley informed OSCE participating States of the outcome of the US elections.

OSCE flags in front to the Hofburg in Vienna. (photo: USOSCE)

Symposium "Helsinki to Helsinki: The Future of the OSCE"
On October 15, Assistant Secretary David J. Kramer participated in a panel discussion on the future of the OSCE at a symposium co-sponsored by the Finnish Embassy in Washington , DC and the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University SAIS.

Diana Marvin, Senior Advisor VCI/CCA, Dept. of State and U.S. Chief Arms Control Delegate Hugh Neighbour, Chairman of the Open Skies Consultative Commission (photo: USOSCE)

500th Open Skies Observation Flight took off on August 20
The 500th military-observation flight under the Open Skies Treaty was flown on August 20, 2008. This remarkable achievement was celebrated, under US Chairmanship, already on July 14 by representatives from the 34 States Parties to the Treaty.

Ambassador Finley with Vienna American International School student diplomats (photo: USOSCE)

First-ever Model OSCE conference took place in Vienna, July 5-7
At the first-ever Model OSCE conference about 140 young people from 30 OSCE participating States learned about OSCE structures and decision-making processes by playing the roles of delegations and OSCE officials. Ambassador Finley participated in a panel discussion.

General Craddock talking to the press before his address to the ASRC. (photo: USOSCE)

Supreme Allied Commander in Europe General Craddock addressed the ASRC on July 2
SACEUR US General John Craddock reported to the Annual Security Review Conference (ASRC) on the situation in Afghanistan and NATO's role there. At last year's OSCE Ministerial Council the decision was taken to involve the OSCE in border security with Afghanistan.