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Voices for Recovery
Andrea S.'s Story

I was a Herion addict and alcoholic for many years, I was also on Methodone clinics nothing helped me, detoxes rehabs, etc... I finally was put in prison for a good amount of time and detoxed with NOTHING!!!! Alcohol every day I was drinking Klonapins, methadone, four bundles of herion a week. I was in soooo much pain every where I suffered, I am sure you have an idea of coming off of ALL of that with NOTHING, the shits,shakes no sleeping body aches etc... It also was my 2nd DUI I lost my cleaning jobs I had working for myself, the $ was unbelievable, $25 to 40 AN HOUR!!! I had a Beautiful LEXUS I also lost, well the city didn't impound it they stole it and then it was found a few weeks after I came out of Prison. It was very TOUGH in the city prison I was in, but I stood tall somehow and survived, no one really bothered me, well in a lesbian kind of way. I really learned a lot from that experience. There is nothing like your FREEDOM and they are true ANIMALS in there. Don't get me wrong, I came out and went back to herion, pills and buying methadone, I then went to wine instead of beer, anyway I realized what my kids meant to me my boyfriend of 10 yrs.{at that time} now it has been almost 11yrs. I finally dropped the addict people and stayed home, Iam not aloud to drive, or I go right back to jail. My family believes in me my twin boys and daughter, who are excellent kids, so to make a long story short, I have been sober for over 6 months. I do take the Duragesic{fentyanal} path for very bad back problems and also Methadone for critical back pain,I am trying to have back surgery as a result of the issues I truely do have with my back. I just went for a painful test yesterday, a myelogram., and a cat scan. I am also going for a EMG in a few weeks.It can be done, I thought I was doomed for life, on herion and methadone and alcohol, buy I have no desire to anymore, I pray it will continue day by day. Good Luck to others. Montana

Martina Nelson's Story

I began drinking before I began school. Every event that occurred at home was centered around alcohol and it was common practice to allow the little ones to have sips. I can remember waiting for everyone to leave or pass out so that I could finish off the drinks.

By the time I was in Junior High I had passing out down to a fine art form. I was stealing my mom's car and driving around town drunk at the age of 12. When I was 14 years old I became pregnant. I smoked pot every day of that pregnancy and drank at every opportunity. I have no idea how my daughter was born normally.

I was unable to show up at school and perform normal functions because I was always high. My mom kicked me out of the house and I dropped out of school to party. I had two more children and was divorced by the time I was 21. I desperately wanted and needed to belong, to be apart of something, to be loved. I would do just about anything to achieve that feeling.

By the time I was 29 years old I was ready to change my life. I was living in hell already so the appeal of getting "good" was a strong drive for me. I traded my drug addiction into a religious addiction. The only time I felt ok about myself was when I was when I was practicing my chosen religion. I wasn't using anymore but life did not seem worth living.

Fortunately for me someone recognized my situation as a dry drunk. I was given the tools of recovery and was able to heal from the inside to the outside.

I have not had a drink or a drug since October 29, 1989. I have traded my religion in for true spirituality. Today I love life and receive great joy from following this road of recovery.

Kalispell, Montana

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