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Nuclear Emergency Response

Team personnel and equipment can be deployed within 24 hours of a radiological emergencyThe NAREL emergency response teams support EPA's overall emergency preparedness responsibility. Teams are trained and equipped to respond to nuclear emergencies anywhere in the nation. A mobile radioanalytical laboratory and the latest radiation survey and communications equipment are maintained in a constant state of readiness for deployment at a moment's notice.

The NAREL staff responded at Three Mile Island and provide support to NASA launches carrying nuclear-powered satellites. Following the Chernobyl Exit EPA accident in the former Soviet Union, NAREL became a leading participant in the Global Environmental Radiation Monitoring (GERMON)effort organized by the World Health Organization  Exit EPA.

In the year 2000, NAREL responded to three national radiation emergencies: to the possible contamination from the Japanese release at Tokaimura and to the potential environmental contamination associated with the fires near the Hanford site in the State of Washington and near the Los Alamos National Laboratory Exit EPA in New Mexico.

National Air & Radiation Environmental Laboratory
540 South Morris Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36115-2601
(334) 270-3400 Voice, (334) 270-3454 Fax

Please direct your Website questions or comments to contact_NAREL@epa.gov.

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