Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics

The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics Program (MMS) is an interdisciplinary program in the Division of Social, Behavioral and Economic Research (SBER). MMS interacts with the other programs in the division, as well as other programs in the Foundation, most notably the Statistics and Probability Program in the Division of Mathematical Sciences.

In general, MMS seeks proposals that are interdisciplinary in nature, methodologically innovative, and grounded in theory. Successful proposals often integrate across the following areas:
- The development, application, and extension of formal models and methodology for social and behavioral research, including methods for improving measurement. The proposed research must have implications for one or more of the social and behavioral sciences.
- The development of formal models that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. Research on statistical methodology or statistical modeling having direct implications for one or more of the social and behavioral sciences.
- Research on methodological aspects of new or existing procedures for data collection, including methodology for survey research, and research to evaluate or compare existing data bases and data collection procedures.
- The collection of unique databases with cross disciplinary implications, especially when paired with developments in measurement or methodology.
- The organizational infrastructure of social and behavioral research.

    Target Dates: January 15 and August 15

REFERENCE: GP1998-1333 -- revised 9/2/99