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Climate Change Activities

Climate change is an EPA Region 8 priority, and is being considered in the work we do throughout the regional office, including the following program areas:

Air Quality Pollution Prevention Solid Waste
State Partnerships Internal Operations Groundwater
Environmental Education Ecosystems Remediation Brownfields
Ecosystems Protection Wetlands and Watersheds Wastewater
Emergency Response Superfund Remedial Tribal Assistance
Technical Enforcement Environmental Justice NEPA

In 2008, we developed an EPA Region 8 Climate Change Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan) to demonstrate our continued commitment to this issue. The draft Strategic Plan underwent a 45-day public review and comment period that ended October 6, 2008. This draft of the Strategic Plan is available below, and is currently being updated to incorporate the comments we received, and reflect the status of our activities. The Strategic Plan and its appendices are PDF files (about PDF).

The objectives of the Strategic Plan are to:

The Strategic Plan includes activities to reduce greenhouse gases through the following efforts:
The Strategic Plan also includes assessment and planning activities that will help us strategically prioritize and measure the success of our efforts, including a suite of regional climate change indicators. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions related to our Strategic Plan, or climate change in general, please contact:

State and Municipal Actions to Address Climate Change in EPA Region 8:

States and municipalities in EPA Region 8 are addressing climate change through various means. In addition to reducing greenhouse gases, their activities are realizing co-benefits such as lower energy bills, improved air quality, less traffic congestion, and increased energy security. The following charts illustrate the actions being taken by our six states and various municipalities:

Activities to Address Climate Change by EPA Region 8 States

Programs CO MT ND SD UT WY
EPA Clean Energy-Environment Partner X       X  
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory X X   X X X
Climate Action Plan X X     X  
Climate Registry X X     X X
Western Climate Initiative - Partner   X     X  
Western Climate Initiative - Observer X         X
Renewable Portfolio Standard - Mandatory X X        
Renewable Portfolio Standard - Voluntary     X X X  

Activities to Address Climate Change by EPA Region 8 Municipalities

Programs CO MT ND SD UT WY
Signatories to the Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement 16 4 2 2 3 1
ICLEI Members 13 3 0 0 3 1

Climate Change Knowledge Building Series

Climate Change 101 (4pp, 1609K)

Some of the sites listed below are not on the EPA Web site. Exit EPA disclaimer

Region 8 State Climate Change Information

Greenhouse Gas Inventories - 2007

Climate Action Plans

Sources of Regional Climate Change Information

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