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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum
The Scientific Foundation
of Management Actions
to Reverse Everglades Eutrophication


Thomas D. Fontaine, Ph. D., Director, Everglades Systems Research Division,
South Florida Water Management District

How has research supported management actions?


photo of phosphorus experiment
illustrated map with arrows
Quantified phosphorus impacts on ecosystem
Identified phosphorus sources


images of phosphorus control methods


phosphorus maps

Examined phosphorus control methods
Modeled phosphorus fate & transport ecosystem

How does this translate into needs of litigation,
regulation & restoration?

  • Provides basis for no "imbalance" phosphorus criteria

  • Provides data for regulatory actions

  • Identifies cost effective strategies to reach P criteria

  • Establishes Total Maximum Daily Loads; predicts effects of management alternatives; predicts recovery times

Science Guidance to Management . . .


photo of field
  • Identified that significant changes in WCA-2A Everglades flora and fauna begin to occur at [P] between 10 and 20 ppb.
    (EFA criteria development).

  • Identified that phosphorus alone can cause observed changes in periphyton communities (proof of cause and effect).

  • Confirmed that cattail can out compete sawgrass in high P environments (proof of cause and effect).

photo of person walking with sampling containers

  • Confirmed that cattail populations were minimal prior to 1960 (evidence that cause is anthropogenic)

  • Confirmed that phosphorus fertilizer is a source of P in WCA-2A (proof of source).

  • Provided and confirmed the design basis of Stormwater Treatment Areas (support of Settlement Agreement)
photo of ibis on branch
  • Provided the basis for judging compliance of EAA BMPs with required 25% P load reduction and confirms compliant performance to date (support of rule 40E-63).
  • Developed models that demonstrate the relationship between phosphorus loads and downstream concentrations (EFA requirement)
  • Will identify advanced treatment technologies that combined with BMPs and STAs may reach phosphorus concentration goals (EFA requirement).

Disclaimer for non-USGS materials

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:43 PM (KP)