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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Closing Remarks

by Richard Harvey, Chair,
South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group

Read entire transcript (PDF, 7 kb)


  (Excerpts from the edited transcript):

Once again we are very appreciative of the hard work and the attendance. We certainly appreciate the dignitaries being here: Bruce Babbitt, Sam Hamilton, John Hankanson, Michael Davis, Bonnie McGregor, and Glennda Hummeston.

Some of you may not have known that a couple of folks from the U.S. General Accounting Office were with us. They were relatively quiet. I'm hoping that they developed a real appreciation for what we do.

I really appreciate everybody coming and participating. I think it was an absolutely wonderful science forum. I'd like for Nick Aumen, Aaron Higer, and Bob Mooney to come up here so we can once again express our sincere appreciation for the fine work they did. Obviously a lot more people also did a great deal of work. There was a great deal of effort as you can tell from the quality of the displays and certainly the program and the panel discussions. It was truly a fantastic opportunity for the managers to get together with the scientists; now the managers just need to be smart enough to learn from them. - Richard Harvey

Bob, in recognition of the tremendous job that you did, we are presenting you with this momento that says: 'In recognition of Robert Mooney for outstanding coordination of the South Forirda Restoration Science Forum, May 17-19, 1999, Boca Raton, Florida, Working Group, South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force.' As Chair of the Working Group, it is certainly my pleasure to present this to you and to say thank you very much.

I have been amazed at the expanse of the restoration effort. What has been shown at this forum is just a smidgen of the science that's being done here. So many people and their efforts need to be part of this forum. I'm anxious for this forum to continue on the Internet. There it can expand and show the science being here. Others will be able to appreciate and benefit from all the work that you are doing. I thank you. - Bob Mooney

I want to talk about Nick Aumen. In 40 years, I've done a lot of science symposia, and I have Co-Chaired a lot of them. Most Co-Chairs disappear when the work comes, when the decisions come - not Nick. He's been there true and making decisions the whole time; never saying our resources, your resources, but saying it's got to be done. Nick, I really appreciate you. - Aaron Higer

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:43 PM (HSH)