U.S. Social Security Administration, Office of Policy

Research and Statistics Notes


Estimated Retirement Benefits in the Social Security Statement

No. 2008-05 (released November 2008)

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Estimating the First Instance of Substantive-Covered Earnings in the Labor Market

No. 2008-04 (released September 2008)

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Trends in Elective Deferrals of Earnings from 1990–2001 in Social Security Administrative Data

No. 2008-03 (released June 2008)

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Characteristics of Noninstitutionalized DI and SSI Program Participants

No. 2008-02 (released January 2008)

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Characteristics of Disabled-Worker Beneficiaries Receiving Workers' Compensation or Public Disability Benefits Compared With Disabled-Worker Beneficiaries Without These Additional Benefits

No. 2008-01 (released January 2008)

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Stochastic Models of the Social Security Trust Funds

No. 2003-01 (released March 2003)

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Follow-up of Former Drug Addict and Alcohol Beneficiaries *

No. 2001-02 (released October 2001)

Military Veterans and Social Security

No. 2001-01 (released February 2001)

Military veterans constitute an important subgroup of Social Security beneficiaries. Because veterans are a large subgroup of Social Security beneficiaries and because policymakers have shown a clear interest in their well-being, it is important to understand how veterans and their dependents are currently faring. This note looks at the characteristics and trends in growth of the veteran and Social Security populations.

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Distribution of Zero-Earnings Years by Gender, Birth Cohort, and Level of Lifetime Earnings

No. 2000-02 (released November 2000)

This note uses data from the Modeling Income in the Near Term (MINT) project to estimate the distribution of zero-earnings years by gender, birth cohort, and level of lifetime earnings from 1951 to 1996. The analysis is focused mainly on zero-earnings years that fall within a worker's highest 35 years of earnings, because only these years are used in the calculation of benefits.

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Earnings of Black and Nonblack Workers Who Died or Became Disabled in 1996 and 1997

No. 2000-01 (released November 2000)

Social Security solvency proposals may affect blacks as a group differently than those of other races because of differences in earnings, mortality, and rates of disability. To provide some background for understanding this issue, this note examines the earnings of workers by age and race, comparing those who recently died or became entitled to Social Security disability benefits with those still alive. It does not analyze any specific proposal for changing benefits.

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* Document currently available in print only.