US Imports of Steel Mill Products
HTS Code All Products
Quantities in Metric Tons

  JUL08 AUG08 SEP08
Product HTS Description Tons AUV
Tons AUV
Tons AUV
All Products All Products 110.0 $2,377.23 79.2 $2,014.85 1,120.5 $969.61
730619 Pipe, Line, Welded O/T Ss, Riveted Or Sim Closed, Nes, For Oil/Gas Pipeline . . . . 757.3 $806.67
720917 FL-CLD-RL IRN,ST,COIL,600MM WD,0.5MMBUT N/O 1MM TK . . . . 183.9 $1,140.00
730411 Line Pipe, Stainless Steel, Seamless, Of A Kind Used For Oil Or Gas Pipelines . . . . 88.3 $1,721.53
730419 Line Pipe, O/T Stainless Steel,Seamless, Of A Kind Used For Oil Or Gas Pipelines 3.5 $8,339.01 79.2 $2,013.24 . .
730630 PIPE ETC NESOI, WELD CIR CR SECT, IRON OR NONAL ST 79.7 $1,485.69 . . . .
720916 FL-CLD-RL IRN,ST,COIL,600MM WIDE,>1MM BUT <3MM THK . . . . 71.7 $1,140.00
721934 FLT-RLD STNLS STL 600MM OM W CLD-RLD .5-1 MM THCK 23.9 $3,881.72 . . . .
721610 U-I-H-SECTIONS IR/NAS HOT/WRKD LS THN 80MM HIGH . . . . 19.0 $1,433.16
721710 WIRE OF IRON OR NONALLOY STL,NOT PLATED OR COATED 2.9 $6,939.08 . . 0.4 $13333.33
721590 BARS AND RODS IRON OR NONALLOY STEEL, NESOI 0.1 $15987.65 . . . .
722230 OTHER BARS AND RODS STAINLESS STEEL, NESOI . . . . 0.0 $3,800.00
730629 Casing/Tubing,I/S, Wld O/T Ss, Riveted Or Sim Clsd, Nes, For Oil/Gas Drilling . . 0.0 $23333.33 . .

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: November 4, 2008, with
Licensing data collected through November 4, 2008
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during the reported period
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